Am I too heavy?

@kutloello I'm 5'10 200 lb. I was in the military for over 20 years which always said I was fat. I've done CrossFit for 12 years and I'm not sure how my movements would suffer if I had an extra 20 lb but in the long run of things. If you're happy with the way you look who cares where you're coming in on the WOD that's not, the focus of CrossFit. CrossFit is being fit functional and as long as you're happy with yourself who gives a crap.
@kutloello You really need to ask your self a question of what your goal is. More functional? Stronger? Advanced gymnastics? Better runner? Not all will mean big muscle mass.
@kutloello This is where crossfit points you to the direction where you want to go.
  1. What you did not say is how old are you?
  2. How is your technique when you run? Is it on point or you think is on point?
  3. How about your do gymnastics? Is it on point or you think is on point?
  4. What about your technique in general? Are you sure youre not losing energy on suboptimal technique?
Lastly, you mentioned being last on wods, do you scale? Do others scale?

On a high level (think games athletes) you have to balance your weight with muscle/cardio capacity. I doubt that you're there just yet, otherwise you would never ask these questions, you'd know the answer to them.

As someone said, you're a big dude in general, so that makes your body sub optimal already for high end competition. Look at elite males, none of them are super huge, they are all... well... average height, sometimes on the short side (Fraser!).

I bet you nail the rowing/bike stuff.
  1. 43
  2. Improving. Realized I was a heel striker and have been improving technique but I’m still kinda trash
  3. Gymnastics is improving with bigger sets of some kipping movements. First bmu is very close…
  4. Technique overall is perhaps intermediate.
I used to look at all wods as though scaling option 1 (mayhem) was my Rx. The last 2 months I have been pushing as close as possible to Rx to increase intensity.
@kutloello There is guy in my gym, 47, big as you, same problem as you.

Mayhem program as well.

RX Mayhem is no joke. Just keep doing what youre doing, youre good.

Did you do the bike/shuttle run/bike from today? Im curious what did you do, reps/cals wise?

This guy from my gym did 70+cals bike/25 reps shuttle runs/70+ cals bike.
@kutloello You could cut really slowly and hope to minimize muscle loss. I think this is a personal choice with no correct answer and it just comes down to what kind of athlete you want to be.
@kutloello Hey dude, honestly - will need to see you in order to see if you need to shed some pounds. 6’3 at 220 seems like a good weight.

Sometimes people are built to be better at resistance than speed and high intensity. Do you find yourself better at endurance workouts I.e. slow but can go forever?
@kutloello I started CrossFit at 6'3" 205lbs ~22%bf, 10 years later I am 240lbs ~15-18% bf. I can RX any workout and have competed in the masters division in multiple competitions.

It's not about how much muscle you have but how you can move using that muscle.
@kutloello I’m 44m, 6’1”, 197 lbs, 17 percent BF rn. Kind of been into chocolate during holidays :) I tend to be bottom quarter of class. Definitely bottom of the “stronger” guys. Some workouts (pull-ups, ghd, 🤷‍♂️) are in my wheelhouse and I will be at or towards top. Just compare yourself to yourself. I do like working closer to 190 for more aerobic stuff but then I feel less strong for fun lifts. It’s a back and forth thing for me. I’ll stop eating chocolate and get to 193, and all my bar movements feel great. Definitely working harder rn at 197 to pull my “fat” ass up.
@kutloello What helps me on movements that take longer is I constantly breathe. Not sure if you are or not, but a lot of people tend to hold their breath on the way down and until they excerpt their energy into the push. For me that kills me, so I started just constantly breathing and not holding my breath. Works wonders on wallballs and all movements for me. I try to focus on keeping my breathing consistent through a workout.
@hallelujesus2023 Never heard of this technique. I will try it tomorrow. 50-40-…-10 wallballs/abmat sit-up. I normally inhale nostrils in eccentric and then hold the bottom and exhale through concentric. You’re saying constantly in and out. Rate control?
@kutloello Yeah just keep breathing. I found that doing what you described above didn't work for me. Being taller the movements take longer and I found my self out of breath and heart rate through the roof.

On my wallballs and thrusters I usually do 2 breathes per movement. Slow and controlled. I breathe in on the way down and breathe out at the bottom, breathe in again and breathe out when I pop my hips. It works well for me and I have been gradually getting faster and faster.
@kutloello I would ask yourself what your goals are? How do you feel? Etc

I was 5’10 185 9% BF “ripped” by most people’s standards. I started the carnivore diet 3 weeks ago, lost 9lb but my body (knees/back etc) and mind have never felt better.

@ 36 I use CrossFit to stay healthy and hopefully live a longer life. The whiteboard is cool but feeling amazing is way cooler imo.

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