Am I too heavy?

@kutloello I think the only way to know is to try. Maybe try and cut down on some bodyfat with a reputable nutritionist or even an app like the RP app or Layne Norton's Carbon app (whatever its called).

You may find yourself either further fatigued or maybe you are fast as hell. Only way to find out is to try a prolonged cut.
@kutloello Brent Fikowski is 6’2” 220lbs and is one of the top crossfitters. I’m 6’2” as well and about 210 or so. When I complain about my height I look to the top guys like him who say height and weight isn’t a problem.
@kutloello Being lighter/leaner does not inherently equal being faster or more gymnast-y. I would say you prob need to do more 25+ min workouts to work on your engine and spend 30-60min a week doing gymnastics drills. There are lots of programs out there online if you want someone to write it out for you. I liked WODprep's engine builder program.
@kutloello Sounds more like heart than weight. Or maybe movement efficiency. I competed at 5'8" 220 14% body fat and crushed fools on things I shouldn't have. 50 UB pull-ups, 40 UB TTB, 25 UB BMU, fast Box Jumps. I run super slow, but did Fran in 2:27. Had a 30 round Cindy. 18:15 5k row.

Anyway just saying, sop looking at your body and look at you movement and your willingness to go to dark places in your workouts. Effort is the difference maker, and consistency and nutrition. Eat Paleo. No bread cheese milk pasta all that bullshit. Ask the best dude at your gym what they eat. You can look great and still suck.
@bowleddie I know dark places, the pain cave, etc. I’m a desert storm army vet. I can embrace the suck. But I’m redlining workouts. For example, 12 days of Christmas my average heart rate was 175 for almost 40 minutes. On shorter time domains (3-12 minutes) I regularly push 182. My Max heart rate is supposed to be 177.
@kutloello oh word, I'm an OEF vet. How old are you, my heart rate never gets that high. Also, how's your nutrition? CrossFit nutrition protocol is "lean meats, vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, no sugar."

If i stray from that, and I mean AT ALL I drop off probably 30% in power output.
@bowleddie 43 and my nutrition is probably less shit than most. Lots of room for improvement. Gotta own that I suppose. I strive to hit my protein goals daily, but don’t count calories and eat mostly what I want to fill in the rest of the macros. 50- 60% focus on Whole Foods.