AMA: Megan Gallagher AKA MegSquats, creator of Stronger By The Day and Before The Barbell!

@susanedgar37 Hey! I find with my programming that I hit a point where I’m de loading two , three weeks In a row after only a month or two of heavy lifting. I know that’s a signal to change up the routine, maybe go hypertrophy or body weight fitness for a month or two.

My question: how long do I have to realistically do other forms of periodization so I can maximize the amount of time I’m in a heavy lifting phase? For example, would doing 3 weeks or 8-12 reps me enough to let me go back to a 1-5 rep phase?

Thank you!
@susanedgar37 Love her, love SBTD, smashing my workouts and I love her explanation s. I have learnt so much in the last 6 months for a non newbie lifter, I feel my lifts are better/stronger and my form is improved by the programming.
She is such a thoughtful person and her before the barbell is free I think for anyone looking to get into lifting!
@scmcbride24 Couldn’t agree more. I recommend her program to anybody who asks what I do. It feels very thoughtfully laid out and has enough variation to stay fun but little enough to see results. 100/10 recommend
@criminallawyer03 I was doing strong curves, 5x5 and a year of 531 prior and got a recommendation from this group for SBTD and it is so enjoyable, I love the FB group, I love the demo video, and I know each week of the cycle is similar but different.
I feel so much more confident in my lifts and am so pleased I tried it out -cant wait to see where I am time next year

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