An Update on Apartment Noise Management


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Here's an update from my previous posts two weekends ago on how I could better manage my workout noise with my downstairs neighbour.

A quick recap: on a Saturday early afternoon, I did a pretty hardcore kettlebell workout (my bad, I used the momentum for exercise 2 as I'm not strong enough); my downstair neighbour 'broomed' me during the set. I sent her a bottle of wine and a bag of chips with a card including my phone number as an apology, but importantly, I wanted to give her a way to get in touch if we bothered her.

Here's the update:

As alluded to in my previous post, it was not easy being vulnerable and I was disappointed when I didn't hear back from my neighbour at first. Four days later, I got a text from her. She thanked me for the wine and chips and told me it was unnecessary but much appreciated. And she was sorry, too, she got annoyed as she thought I was dropping weights (I guess when I rolled it was louder than I thought). She admitted that she found it challenging holing up during the pandemic and she encouraged us to continue to work out.

It was such a huge relief for me because the last thing I wanted is to create more resentment and stress to other people when this is obviously a difficult time for everyone. Now that I have my direct line of communication with her, I would text her when I know we'd be generating noise with notice. Say, last weekend, we're spring cleaning our apartment and I texted her in the morning that she should be expecting more foot-stomping and vacuuming that afternoon; she thanked me and appreciated the heads-up.

I am really glad how this played out and now I feel so much happier working out. I also want to thank the community here for giving me some silent low-impact workout options. Listing it out here from your previous comments as they are quite helpful:
  1. Natasha Ocean on YouTube, no-noise/no-impact example workout
  2. Whitney Simmons on Youtube
  3. My personal favorite - the Body Coach and an example low-impact workout - he also has tons of workout for seniors and children so you can share them with your family and work out together over Zoom if you like!
To add, I am a qualified yoga instructor so I know how to do a completely silent flow or a workout; but I just wanted to say there are some benefits to goofing around, jumping, moving around and I'm just pleased that I found a way to do that without negatively affecting others.

I also want to take this chance to remind everyone (mostly myself!) that's it's okay you're not as diligent with your workout during this pandemic. My office just announced that we'll all be working remotely this whole month (in May). We're lucky we still have a job and I really enjoy being with my husband who also works from home; it has its challenges. I am upset at times that I am not working out as much as before this pandemic hit - we all are working far less (I used to walk to and from the office and go to the gym 3-4 times a week). I love chips. I am eating chips and drinking every day. It is super bizarro how this is all playing out. I'm trying to meditate more (btw here's a great free meditation app that I use).

How are you coping during this pandemic? I would love to hear from you if you're also living in apartments; or not!
@cravinmaven I’m so happy this worked out! Also, thanks for the link to the kettlebell workout. I’ve been doing kettlebell workouts since gyms closed and that one looks killer.
@king_ Oh it was also really fun. It's really challenging but I felt great after. It's not easy to find good kettlebell workout. I also really like this 10 minutes set - just don't follow his form for the snatches haha. It's a great finisher or when you want a quick workout..
@cravinmaven I'm really glad it worked well for you :). Your neighbour probably appreciated that you actually care and were willing to work with them in order to come to am arrangement that benefits you both.
I think a lot of people are struggling with motivation at the moment as it can often be difficult replicating gym workouts at home. I've just been taking walks alone mostly for my mental wellbeing and will resume with proper exercise once the gyms are able to reopen.
@cravinmaven You’re such a considerate neighbor! Well done. Glad it worked out well. Btw I absolutely understand that sometimes you just want to jump around, and a silent workout just won’t cut it.
@cravinmaven My new next door neighbors are both personal trainers and running online classes from their apt. We are on the second floor and lucky for them the lady who lives below them is out of town for the Spring. Our floors have been shaking and it sounds like they are throwing furniture around. We have already asked them to turn down the music. I understand people have to make a living and this pandemic has pushed people to be creative. I just don’t think they know how loud they are.
@elfstone Sorry you are stuck in the middle! I actually offered my neighbour an extra seat in my Spotify family account (she didn’t take it) and I thought about sending her a pair of headphones (I found pretty good ones on amazon for less than $30 that does okay noise cancelling) but didn’t in the end as that’s kinda creepy haha. I wonder if you could message them via Instagram and ask to know their schedules so at least you have some control over the situation. I learned in Psych 101 that stress comes from lack of control over situations so that’s what I tried to give to my neighbour.
@cravinmaven I also live in an apartment (in a building built in 1890 of a style with notoriously poor insulation of sound) and I’m basically just doing a LOT of barre and some yoga at home. I do make bread using the slap and fold kneading method and already worry enough about the sound of that reverberating through the building...!
@withby Oh that's nice. It's super crowded where we are. My husband went out with a mask yesterday for a run but he told me I would have a panic attack before it's full of people out there.
@cravinmaven Way to be an adult about it and show compassion. This is a weird and hard time and we all can use kindness!!

My partner and I are lucky enough to live very close to a pretty huge regional park that has tons of trails, so we’ve been getting out almost every day to hike (with masks). Outdoors has a double added benefit of quiet/nature and exercise. I really wish everyone had access to something like this, it’s so important.
@jmswprkr I am so happy that you have access to such wonderful resources. I think this pandemic is normalising home working and I am seriously considering moving to somewhere right next to hiking trails. I appreciate the moments of clarity this crisis has given us in appreciating many things we take for granted for sure.