[UPDATE] you guys roasted me on 6 month planche lol

@follower_of_god So I can’t tell by the angle but it looks like your back is protruding somehow in that handstand pushup. Either you’re very jacked or you’re retracting. Your handstand form can be improved but you’re at a good level right now.
@follower_of_god For hams: sliding leg curls while laying supine (I put soap and water on my tile). The harder you push with your heels into the ground, the harder the exercise.
Also, Romanian deadlifts - really focus on eccentrically loading your hammys and pulling with them concentrically to become upright again. Do with or without weight.
You will be sore pushing the eccentrics for both these exercises.
Still don’t really know how to work my hammys effectively with body weight so any hard/fun exercises would be super helpful but definitely not my main focus rn

Nordic Leg Curls! That's easily one of the hardest hamstring exercises you'll find with OR without weights.
@follower_of_god Impressive handstand for just a few weeks of work. Try thinking about opening your shoulders / pushing your chest forward. You may also want to play with lowering your head / bringing it more in line with your body. If you play around with different head placements and different focus with your eyes you’ll get some useful intuition.