[12-Week Challenge] Week 10 Update

@denice65 Biggest achievement this past week was getting out of my comfort zone, stop being a scared little girl and be a woman and use the assisted pull-up machine. And it felt great and I cannot wait to do it again as soon as possible and as many times as possible. I guess I was afraid that I would not be able to do pull-ups even on the machine, but glad I overcame my irrational fear.
@bubblegum2021 hahaha!!! I had this exact problem and trying to explain it to my husband made it ultra clear to me how ridiculous I was being. I figured out the machine like a big girl and hopefully I'm on my way to a real chin up in the next year!

Good to know I'm not the only one!
@lordswill I know, I have an irrational fear of making a fool out of myself and I tend to linger on such moments for way too long. I fidgeted for about 10 minutes around the machine, until I decided to go for it :))
@denice65 Tested my 1RM on Friday. I did well. I had PBs in both squat and bench.

Squat: 195 lbs

BP: 105 lbs

DL: 225 lbs

I'm really hoping to see my squat get up to 205 soon, and my BP to 115. I tried for 115 a few times, but that sucker only got up halfway. No amount of breathing and leg drive was going to do it. Soon! Soon! I'm determined to have two 35 lbs plates on that bar.

I was supposed to get a Bod Pod assessment today, but had to reschedule it for the end of the week due to my period starting a week early. That's a bummer. I was excited to see more numbers!

And, I just want to add that my strength and conditioning coach nearly made me cry this week, for good reasons. He said that I inspired both him and his wife. He has shown my progress photos to her to say, "See? You won't get big and bulky from strength training. She still has a lot of curves." And that my dedication and progress has inspired him to work harder at his own fitness. That meant a lot to me.
@denice65 Strained my back or left glute/hamstring/quad last Monday so I took this week off of lifting to allow myself to rest and heal. Did more yoga this past week than in the last 6 months and realized how much I've missed it! Back on my program today! Here's hoping things go better. :)

Also, I finally scheduled my personal training sessions I've been hoping to get set up for months now! I start tomorrow. :D
@denice65 My weightloss has stalled for a couple of weeks now but I am not too worried about it.

Cant believe there are only 2 weeks left! Can we just do another 12 week challenge?
@immortalzealot We'll be doing something for sure. I've been thinking about different formats to increase the success rate and make it something more people can get in on.

I'm leaning towards having a new sheet every month, so hopefully people will be more willing to overlook setbacks and get on with a fresh start every month.