An Update on Apartment Noise Management

@cravinmaven That was really thoughtful of you! It doesn’t sound like you need to text her every time you’re doing something like cleaning, she was probably just shocked by the heavy kettlebells (understandable).

Apartment living is challenging right now but sounds like you are doing your best!
@dawn16 Oh yeah, totally. We were actually changing our AC unit that day that's why I extra-cautioned her; but yeah, I only texted her once more after our initial correspondence. I am an extrovert though, so there's that temptation of checking in to see how she's coping! I am holding myself back though because I don't want to be creepy/seen as the nosy neighbour. I'm sure some people prefer the anonymous comfort blanket when they chose to live in a big city.
@cravinmaven I would love to be your neighbor! I'm looking for an accountability partner and in my friend list no one is working out at home (most are with outdoor fans, went to the gym or did some club activities). But recently, I reconnected with a friend from uni and have infused her with the FitnessBlender frenzy.