[ANNOUNCEMENT] Buddy Matching Is Now Open Until 1/25


New member
Buddy matching time! Last year, we had over 1500 people sign up for the survey. This year, I've got an amazing partner in crime, /@lightnthedark to make it way better than before!

tl;dr - Do the survey and GET A SWOLEMATE BY VALENTINE'S DAY.

Link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1mUcZry3BdH-a9_WdgtIFyQcnG3tDxbJeEHeoNNqVods

How it works

Fill out the survey, giving as little or as much information as you're comfortable with. In a week and a half (1/25), I'll close the survey and begin matching. Because of our new matching procedures (see below), this will take up to two weeks.

If you put a duplicate entry, I will take the version submitted closest to 1/25.

We will post a new thread with matches on or before Valentine’s Day.

After 2-3 weeks, I'll do a smaller rematch for people who missed out/got a match that didn't work/got deadbeat buddies.

The more information you provide, the better your match will be.

2016 Updates To The Survey

Every time this survey is released, I try and update it to make things better (version 5.0!). /@lightnthedark has been indispensable in this process.
  • Computer matching - This year, we're going to try our hand at writing some code to expedite the matching. This makes what is an infeasible problem for a few people (1500+ people needing a match) much more manageable. Think of it like OkCupid, but for finding a swolemate on r/xxfitness!
  • Streamlined survey - We have significantly streamlined the survey to do computerized matching. This includes removing many open-ended fields, adding the most common open-ended responses, and clarifying areas on the survey that needed more specificity.
  • Revamped location information + privacy - We've revamped the location information to force good data input. Given some feedback we got last year, we have also added in a street address to add in gyms, a location near to your house, your personal address, etc. Be as specific as you want, but remember that the more specificity you give will let us match more precisely for in-person buddies. Your info is only used for this matching survey and improving future matching surveys as test data. Your survey results are NOT made public. No spam, advertising, selling you data, none of that shit. Results is only seen by me, /@lightnthedark , and any other matchers that are hand-selected that we feel are solid members of the xxfitness community.
  • (actual) Location groups - Since last year wasn't feasible, we are (for real) going to pull in the Google Maps locations API to match groups of users to locations for in-person meet-ups, group hikes, etc. Localities will most likely be city/metropolitan area specific and determined by the geolocations of your designated locations. If you select this option, your name will appear on the Google Doc results with other Redditors in an anonymized locality name. So all Redditors in Atlanta will appear on the same list, but listed in "Location A". Note: This is opt-in only and if you choose not to disclose this information, I won't hold it against you for matching AND you can still be matched with a single in-person buddy without choosing this option
  • Revamped Other info section - We’ve changed the “Other” info section to be explicitly for conditions that aren’t mentioned on the survey, that aren’t answered by other questions, and are VERY important to matching you. Be aware that adding in info here may reduce your potential matches, and will slow down the matching process since we have to do this part by hand. And while I like votes of confidence and appreciation, please don’t thank us in this box (it will break our automated filtering!). Upvote this post and comment below instead!
  • Expanded options for many questions - We've added lots more activities, some new diet preferences, and new questions to the survey!
  • Option to show multiple matches - We're testing a feature this time to display (if you choose) the top 5 other matches you had, excluding your actual match. It will be on a separate spreadsheet so you can get to know more people.
Again, link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1mUcZry3BdH-a9_WdgtIFyQcnG3tDxbJeEHeoNNqVods

If you guys have any questions or comments, please let me know in the comments! I'll be on vacation for the next few days, but will be popping in occasionally to check on this. Also message /@lightnthedark if you have other questions.

@rustedspurs4 ive only ever lurked here but this is great!
i hope it's cool i signed up, my bf is the only person who i work out with & talk to even that lifts regularly so it'd be so nice to have a buddy
@rustedspurs4 I'm normally a lurker in this sub but this year should be a better year!!! Just a question on the form - is anybody else having access problems? It won't let me enter data on the text fields :\