@jonathan_gale Yes, definitely.
I also struggle with muscle ups, double unders and handstand push ups.
I've been doing CrossFit for roughly 5 years now, and while I am improving, I still don't have these movements.
I am trying to learn them, although if I'm honest I'm not dedicating enough time for it.
But to me it's great as it is as well.
I think it's mostly about the purpose you have with CF.
For me it's being able to maintain and improve my fitness level, with the short time I have to dedicate to it. And I'm also enjoying it most of the time.
Admittedly, I would like to have those skills, and I try to practice them every now and then. But none of these skills is a fundamentally "functional", day to day movement.
For that I'd rather focus on the basic movements (squats, lunges, core, pull, push, etc.) which make much more difference in my day to day, especially as I'm getting older.