@girlintheclouds I can do 8 strict PUs, 4-5 strict CTB. The first strict rep is pretty fast! I tend to lose steam after the 3rd or 4th rep. Last time I tested bar dips I did 10. Ring dips much lower, 3-4. My 1RM pull-up is 25#, but I think I could do heavier now with all the strength programming I’m doing. Almost never test the kipping movements! Probably should, but my hands are already hating me right now.
I used to do a lot of box BMUs, but lately my coach has me doing banded “strict” ones, where the band is stretched horizontally across the rig below your feet. The box ones don’t feel anything like the real movement to me, at least not the reps I can do with a spotter.
I used to feel pretty good about my gymnastics ability. I can do big sets of TTB and butterfly pull-ups. In the past year I learned how to do legless rope climbs and handstand walks. My HSPUs are ok, but I can’t do strict yet.
FWIW I’m a middle-aged lady and weigh 110 lbs. Is it possible to be too old to get stronger or learn new tricks? The BMU feels like a mystery to me.