Are presses enough for upper chest?

@broncofan No need. I always used an old granny walker that's surprisingly sturdy.
And recently I moved to an apartment that has three balconies. Each one has iron handrails with corners at both sides, and they're perfect for dips.
@curiousmel The answer you’re looking for is: “yes you can build your chest with a KB press” but that’s untrue. But feel free to do what you like. Just offering my advice. Building muscle takes work, sorry.
@curiousmel They will work your shoulders, abs, triceps’s too, not to mention proper scapula protraction/retraction. It’s a simple exercise with more cues for proper engagement than people realize. My minimalism is broader than yours in that I do calisthenics, kettlebells, and sandbags. I perform an element from each and keep my workouts to 30 min, 5-6 time a week. 46 male, 170 lb and 9% body fat from keeping it simple and short.

Edit: some grammar
@curiousmel Minimalist effort will result in minimal growth. It’s honestly a terrible take that does not translate well at all to hypertrophic efforts. The only way there is committing to the work and being consistent with it.

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