I can't afford enough protein to grow muscle

@mcl123 I get 5kg chicken breast for $65 in bulk from one of the big box grocery stores they mark these down by 30% every Wednesday so it ends up costing me $45-50 for a 5kg box, find deals like that, a single chicken breast and few scoops of protein power should be enough to sustain you.
@mcl123 If you like fish Sardines, Canned Tuna, even Canned Salmon (cheaper at aldi). Sardines are actually super good for you!

I made salmon cakes with the salmon that were, imo really good!

Eggs, lentils, tofu/tempeh, beans and rice, chicken drumsticks, all on the more affordable ends of proteins.

You can replace milk with Ripple, which has 8 grams of pea protein, or silk has a protein cashew blend with 10 grams.

I hope this helps! Good luck to you! Just do you're best. You're already doing great!
@mcl123 It'll happen I promise. You're 26 FFS. Unless you want to look like a pro bodybuilder you can achieve whatever you want with normal food. I looked my best at 20 something when I worked in construction and we just ate pies and drank beer man.
@mcl123 Eggs see if neighbors have chickens or anyone selling on Facebook! Mix eggs with cottage cheese boom more protein. Greek yogurt mixed with protein powder and frozen berries. Quest smore bars are a night treat they have 19g. I also pair a protein on top of salad, with quest chips that have 19g.
@mcl123 Honestly you're not gonna make your protein goal every day, it's not sustainable. That being said, cheap protein in bulk can help supplement, but also eating canned meats lole tuna and chicken can hell supplement alot. Also just bulk buying chicken breast amd splitting it and freezing it is a good cost effective way, as well as pretty mich every bean. There's a bunch of options and recipes on the cheap, given them a google. Don't stress on supplements, a decent diet (you can have a treat from time to time my rule is once a week) can totally support muscle growth, it may just take a little more time. Also, the more you stretch your muscle in the negative and the more you work that muscle the more growth you can have. I dedicate 1 day for each muscle group to really focus on growth, however doubling muscle groups is perfectly fine, just make sure you get focused exercises, perfect the form and get your reps in and you will get bigger. If tou are already noticing chance, you're in the right track, keep it up.
@mcl123 Hi! Sharing with you my list of cheap food sources of protein. This might help. I live in PH so hence the prices are in PH peso:

1.  Eggs
• Protein: 6 grams per large egg
• Cost: Around ₱6-₱8 per egg
2.  Tofu (Tokwa)
• Protein: 8 grams per 100 grams
• Cost: Around ₱20-₱30 per 100 grams
3.  Chicken Breast (Boneless)
• Protein: 31 grams per 100 grams
• Cost: Around ₱150-₱180 per kilogram
4.  Canned Tuna
• Protein: 20 grams per 100 grams
• Cost: Around ₱30-₱50 per can (155 grams)
5.  Mung Beans (Munggo)
• Protein: 7 grams per 100 grams (cooked)
• Cost: Around ₱40-₱60 per kilogram
6.  Peanut Butter
• Protein: 8 grams per 2 tablespoons (32 grams)
• Cost: Around ₱80-₱120 per 200 grams jar
7.  Milkfish (Bangus)
• Protein: 20 grams per 100 grams
• Cost: Around ₱120-₱180 per kilogram
8.  Ground Pork
• Protein: 21 grams per 100 grams
• Cost: Around ₱180-₱200 per kilogram
9.  Dried Fish (Daing)
• Protein: 62 grams per 100 grams
• Cost: Around ₱200-₱300 per kilogram
10. Lentils
• Protein: 9 grams per 100 grams (cooked)
• Cost: Around ₱80-₱100 per kilogram

Eggs are the best. I was eating 6-8 eggs a day when I was bulking.
@mcl123 I can advise that protein powder whilst might be a bit more up front cost, is one of not the cheapest food for protein / gram of anything in the long run.
@mcl123 From a purely vegan point of view to hit your daily protein needs, Have 100 g Of cooked soy chunks a day. This would give you around 30 grams of protein.

You can split it in to 3 as breakfast, Lunch and dinner eating it with Rice, Chapati, poori or any of these staples.

Apart from soy chunks, have a serving of peanut(as chikki), black peas, Red beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, curry leaves(powder), bread, Peanut butter etc for meeting the rest of the protein needs.

If you are looking for supplements, Soy Protein isolate and Pea protein isolates are great supplements.
@mcl123 I buy tuna, eggs, rice, pinto beans, potatoes, beanut butter and real crumbled beacon. Butter is optional. Yeah, but, protein powder too. A 20oz bag of crumbled beacon is the equivalent of 5lb of beacon it's half the cost of protein powder and half the protein of an entire tub of protein, it costs about 13$. And I cook with a lot of oil too. Oil in scrambled eggs makes them soft and keeps them from sticking to a pot, which I add the crumbled beacon to. There's also protein pancakes, either conyak pancakes which already has the protein added or I add a scoop of vanilla protein powder.
@mcl123 Drink milk. Buy it by the gallon, put in a smaller container for work or travel.

Ice cream has no protein.

Skim milk has identical protein. If you don't like the taste, try adding a "Crystal Light" sort of drink powder to it. Or the Mio flavoring. Put the powder in a bit of water first, otherwise the milk may glob up or curdle. If it does, drink it anyway.

It's possible to culture skim or nonfat milk to kefir, or yoghurt, etc. if your objection is lactose intolerance.

And of course, a drink powder or low calorie sweetner, or Mio can be added.

I am aware of the "too much calcium" thinking. Too much calcium is a lesser problem, compared to too much fat, or not enough fiber. Yes, milk has no fiber, but it's easier to digest.
@mcl123 there are cheap sources of protein? they all just require a little work or discipline.

beans take a long time to cook but are protein rich

alot of people dont like eggs but we arnt talking about preferences of diet were talking about results

ground meats can become tiresome to eat day after day but the same as the last point applys.

you can take all the protine out of milk and consume it much faster by simply nearboiling it, adding a small amount of vinegar, and straining the whey thru a cloth. most people call this cheese. 😂

plenty of options for you friend

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