Austin Dunham's "BodyWeight BodyBuilder 2.0" Programme Review - Big Thumbs Down

@halfdice With all due respect to his cRedeNtiALs, Jeff knows absolutely nothing about calisthencs. He just threw a bunch of random calisthenics exercises in a circuit routine and calls it the pErFecT hOmE woRKouT

He doesn't even know the names of the exercises and he himself cannot do most calisthenics exercises with good form.
@halfdice People hate Jeff Cavalerie. Probably because some of his videos are corny, and the thumbnails are click baity. But as far as free programs go, and honesty about lifting, it's worth checking out. I just suggest you check out many things, and make an informed decision on your own. I'm sure other people's suggestions are great as well. Dude knows his stuff, and isn't going to try to sell you shit.
@thaylon Fair enough. I'm not going to disagree with you. I didn't suggest his 10x10 programming, though. I've never used anything but the program I suggested. His calisthenics circuit program is good, and also shows exercises most beginners would never hear or think of. Like I told OP, probably best to shop around.
@anmarcos The "exercices most beginners would never hear or think of" is also an issue with him, most of the time simple is best, he's always doing some weird exercises because it attracts people who want to over complicate stuff.
@thaylon Also fair enough. I enjoyed doing body weight exercises beside push up variation, and pull ups. You're entitled to your opinion, though. I'm not cramming this dudes programming down anyone's throat. I don't specifically use his programs outside of what I suggested
@anmarcos Yeah, I always learn something useful from him. Not everything is practical that I’d feel comfortable doing at a gym. But I always find myself able to improve my basics... and for free.
@halfdice He pushes a lot of shitty info and really bad programs. His credentials are way overblown, and the fact that he gets basic things wrong frequently should make one question them anyway.

There are better YouTube channels if you're into bodyweight fitness. There are much better YouTube channels if you're into strength and weightlifting.

I honestly don't see the purpose of him except to convince people that perfectly good exercises are dangerous, and to instruct people to do basic exercises incorrectly (for example, he advises people to breathe out when going down into a squat, which is wrong and dangerous, given that it removes the tension in your core).
@cbsmel When he first started his videos were actually informative and straightforward. Now I feel his content is all about squeezing as much money from his followers as possible. How unfortunate.