Bodyweight Fitness Progress Chart

@jellybug78 Cool idea, it's a good visual representation of various progressions.

Overall it would be interesting to have an update of the OG2 charts with some new moves that are often street workout goals, like impossible dips/bodyweight tricep extensions, hefesto/bodyweight bicep curls, dragon press, Victorian cross (there are also parallel bar and floor variations, not only rings), if the community was able to estimate their difficulty level and the best progressions.
@pyoms That's exactly right. For each progression start at the top. As you master each skill you can start your workout lower and lower down the progression. Perhaps use higher skills as warm ups.

If you want a balanced total body workout then do as many of the progressions as you can. Another option I'm considering is to pick a skill I really want to achieve then focus mostly on that. It could be motivating to have a "show off" goal.

With the second approach it might be healthier to pick two skills that balance each other out, like matching a horizontal pull skill with a horizontal push skill.

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