back progress pictures (21F, 54.3 kgs, 157 cm)


New member
i got a power tower in the middle of last year (july 2020), and i started out unable to do a single pull-up or chin-up. i went through the progressions in the RR + did dead hangs for almost 6 months, and i was too intimidated by pull-ups so i did chin-up negatives more (lol).

ff to the end of december - i did my first chin-up! i was so happy, since i really made it an end-of-the-year goal to be able to do one rep. as of now i can do 3 consecutive pull-ups/chin-ups, and my max dead hang (if i'm really fresh) is 1 minute.

[edited 02/06 7:42 AM PST: @nathanielames suggested in the comments that i should do a comparison in the same clothes, so here: July 3 2020 v.s. February 6 2021 ! i should also mention - i owned an iphone 6 last year, and now i own a pixel 4a, so that explains the skin tone difference, haha)

other things i want to share:

- i made the switch to myvegan's protein blend a few days ago, since whey was making me break out terribly (i was on ON Gold Standard before this). while it tastes a lot worse :)/), i have yet to see if this is making me perform better (the xanthan gum is definitely not helpful, it's making me burp a lot...), but other than that, i'm generally on a deficit, trying to eat 1400 calories a day and lose the stubborn belly fat.

- other things i'm working on: dips (doing angled bar ones since i don't have parallel bars; at 6 reps maximum rn so i'm working on increasing them + hitting 90 degrees every rep), pistol squats (still doing them elevated + with weight plates for counterbalance), the handstand, and the L-sit (yay for the Skill Day Routine!).

cheers to good nutrition and fitness!!
@beautytoashes i'm glad to hear that!! and hey, you'll get there, i'm sure of it. just work hard, eat right, and stretch + sleep enough - those three worked wonders for me (and continue to do so until today).
@beautytoashes Like OP mentioned in their post, negatives were a game changer for me. I don't think I even knew which muscles to pull with until I started doing negatives - they really enforce the proper movement pattern!
@kir081315 You’re doing so good! Congratulations! It took me 1 year to get my first chin up, then another year to get a pull up and 5 chin ups but slowly but surely! :D
@hug been greasing the groove every now and then (strict reps of course, i don't like kipping), i guess that's what made me jump up in max reps so quickly! cheers to good progress
@kir081315 The powder won’t likely make an impact unless that’s one of your main protein sources. So long as you’re getting sufficient protein (from any source) your muscles can grow!
@isiah555 i drink the plant protein supplement once a day yeah, but i still get most of my protein from animal sources - i can never see myself going vegan HAHA
@kir081315 Whey makes me break out like crazy too. I mostly use pea protein these days because it's relatively cheap and a complete protein. Feel like I should do a PSA for this board haha
@samier44 honestly once i went off whey, i went "ohhh so that's why my face was getting that bad" 😅 now i'm on some medication from my derma to counteract the effects of whey on my face lol
@kir081315 Yeah, same. I tried to tough it out but I eventually gave up and my skin has been a lot better since. It looks like most dairy in general is pretty bad for acne, except for yogurts with live cultures and aged cheeses
@kir081315 Damn I love this sub.
Massive amount of encouragement and knowledge here and never a negative comment - ok, well pretty much never.

This is how the world should be.