back progress pictures (21F, 54.3 kgs, 157 cm)

@kmander i hope so!! right now i'm working on increasing the reps, maybe get to 10 consecutive reps before i look into doing them weighted. ofc i know that's gonna take months of work, but i'll get there!
Dom, after learning my first pull up, the next thing I learnt was 'L sit'. Do Google it. It's an exciting exercise ! In case you need any help, message me for sure ☺️
@kir081315 I hope you don't mind some constructive criticism...

1400 cals a day is FAR too little for a woman, especially if you're working out a lot. You'd be better to introduce a couple of short (20 minute) HIIT sessions first thing in the morning.

Also in the second picture your posture doesn't look as good to me - if you look at your shoulders they seem to be rolled forward noticeably more. Make sure you are adding things like inverse rows (Australian pull ups) - where you're holding a low bar, lying flat-ish on your back and pulling up. Be sure to really pull your shoulder blades together at the top, and at the bottom keep the strength through your scaps and don't sag down. The same when you're doing pull ups.

Try and move away from chin ups to pull ups - they will put more emphasis on your back muscles.

Also things like the superman will help -

It's tempting to do loads of pushing and abs as it's easier and you see improvements in the mirror, but it's a dangerous combination because all it really does it tightens the front side of your body, pulling you into a hunched position. This is exacerbated by the fact most of us spent a lot of time sitting.

Finally don't worry about protein too much, as long as you're eating well and getting enough from other sources. Time under tension and consistency getting that are what will make your muscles grow.

Hope this helps a bit :)
@goldnagel hey, thank you so much for this!! the point of progress photos aren't only for victories to be celebrated but for things to be remedied as well. will keep your advice in mind, do work for my posture, and spend less time sitting (probably something a lot of us suffer from in this pandemic, haha).

about the deficit, do i still eat above 1400 if my maintenance is ~2000 cals and i want a decent deficit? i sometimes feel like i'm too harsh on myself (like earlier, i had a cinnamon roll, and i couldn't help but think of it as a cheat snack or something lol), but i've been eating this much for almost 6 weeks now and i've lost 2 kgs.
@kir081315 I’m lactose intolerant and have really enjoyed beef isolate chocolate protein from OL lbs off Amazon! It’s not grainy and not sickly sweets. It’s honestly perfect for shakes. I’d recommend it. Only problem is it doesn’t mix as well so a blended helps.