Ballet or Gymnastics as an adult male?

@twins4heaven I would do ballet, since it sounds more structured, in line with your budget, and would help you build
Both strength and flexibility.

Nobody gets to do really cool stuff with their body without a lot of grinding, and tbh I think as a guy doing ballet would be super cool and interesting.
@twins4heaven Can I throw in another option? If you can learn Shaolin Kung Fu Or WuShu you get kind of a cross over between Gymnastics and Ballet.

Lots of flexibility, strength (but graceful strength) and also learn skills (cartwheel, aerial, handstands, butterfly kicks, tornado kicks).

I'm very biased however because I train Kung Fu.

If I had to choose from your options I would actually base it on who is the best instructor rather than the art itself (maybe the ballet?)
@dawn16 Thanks! I just frantically looked up your suggestions but unfortunately there aren't any instructors for them in my area :/.

The instructors are great for both, but the ballet one is more engaged in teaching and gymnastics more helping.

Someone told me theres ninjitsu class near where I'm about to move too soon. Do you know much about that?
@twins4heaven In my experience, ninjitsu was a lot about rolling in the floor and grappling drills.

I think from all martial arts wushu is the most flashy with a good mix of choreographic and acrobatic movements.

Doing non linear acrobatics and tricking might be close to that with less choreographed drills.
@twins4heaven Damn! I know little about ninjitsu but its quite different from Shaolin.

My Shaolin instructor has started making online videos if you are interested at all. Here is the flexibility fundamentals

I just achieved my Head to Toe stretch shown in this video (kind of similar to some ballet stuff, don't you think?)
@twins4heaven Choose Gymnastics, you will build core and then you can do some ballet movement in free time ^)

even Arnie did ballet, here is he took Franco to do it, but in reality he did it intensively and for some years.

@twins4heaven Well, the fun fact was that I knew this dancer would perform over "Take me to church" just by watching at the pic since I saw that video like a THOUSAND times.

Anyway, just here to pick advices since I'm also a 23M wanting to greatly improve its body shape in order to do some contemporary dance.
I have no idea where to begin with though
@garou Best of luck to you!

You seem to know you want to do contemporary dance, so my advice to you would be to find an adult class and join! It might be awkward at first depending on the class (for me, theres always parents waiting to pick up there kids) but once class starts just do your best and it'll be great :D

As for body shape, I don't know what you look want but you can always workout and diet to get whatever shape you want!
@twins4heaven 1m68//63kg, working out sometimes (insanity workout + swimming, but sadly not seriously enough), aiming to a much thinner but more muscular shape !

I'm currently finishing my masters degree and engeneering diploma, finding an adult class will be the first thing I'll do with my salary !