Before and After pics after 4-5 Years of Calisthenics


New member
Someone requested a picture of before and After from my last post, so I decided to post a few pics

Unfortunately I didn’t take any pics without my shirt when I first started training as I was really unhappy with my body, but I found one in a tank top and posted a few pics after 4-5 years of only bodyweight training!

Link is here:

Per guidelines I’ll include all relevant info:
Sex: male
Height: 5’9
Weight: 175lbs (170ish in these After pictures)
Age: 23

Routine: I train daily. Sometimes I take 1 day off, but I constantly “Grease the Groove” with doing planche holds/push ups, front levers, back levers, human flags, handstand and HSPU (all throughout the day). And on 3-4 days per week I train pull ups, dips, and push ups. Usually I just max out for 3 sets of each with 5 minute breaks. Sometimes I also do sets of say 15 pull ups every 5-15 mins, same with dips and push ups. Also do muscle ups occasionally, just max reps for a few sets, 10 mins between sets

-My main goal has always been to gain strength and learn new movements, I never had a strict diet, just trained hard with a passion everyday! Consistency is the key!
-Heres a recent video I put together as well:
@beckah977 How do you feel it, are you strong in other things too? I mean, is your strength more universal than in those specific movements that you are greasing the groove with?
@jerry007 I train pretty much every move there is in calisthenics! I think a lot of the strength carries over to many movements. I’ll post a more comprehensive video in the future of many of the skills/movements I’ve learned over the years.
Also, are you referring to weight training or strictly calisthenics moves?
Checkout my Instagram if you’d like to see some other stuff: @streetworkout88
Here’s one video with other moves besides planche: Calisthenics Compilation
@cadams1 The closest i got to planche (hold for 2 seconds while starting flat from ground) is when i built explosive power from benching 115kgs. Never could improve further.
Achieving the planche is like becoming superman. A dream which fades away the taller u r.
@willford I think u should find different goals.... Like u could be holding the guy doing the planche with one hand for instance or throw him away to experience his landing skills. Like i think u could try to master a crow stance or something similar where your tall legs dont create impossible resistance.
@rburge4 Yeah makes sense. I just started a couple weeks ago and so far I really like it. My goals are over tall pretty simple rn tbh lol. A planche is way more advanced than I’d be at my point in training even if I was short.
@beckah977 I find this physically impossible but inspiring altogether. Can u share a link of anyone 180cm+ doing a full planche? Note that the guy said hes 190cm
@willford My best friend and workout partner is also 6’3 and around 180 lbs. He’s a monster at pulling movements. Can hold a full front lever prefect form ~20 seconds, front lever pull ups to the bar, can do 2-3 one arm pull ups, etc. However, he’s always struggled with planche and pushing movements in general and I believe it’s because he never learned handstands. Handstands and presses are vital to learning planche - it’s almost all shoulder strength. There are people taller than you who can planche, so keep training my friend, it takes time, but you will get it if you want it
@cadams1 Anyone can achieve it! As long as you work hard and consistently train it, you’ll get it. Full planche took me 2-3 years of training. Some days I feel very weak and can’t even straddle planche whereas some days I can full planche press and straddle Maltese. I’m not sure why this happens, but over time it’ll become more consistent. It takes a long time to develop many of the advanced skills in calisthenics, so don’t ever give up!
@forestc Really appreciate it bro! Keep training hard every day on whatever movements you wanna learn - id recommend training a lot of different moves daily with the “Grease the Groove” method. It takes time, but you can literally achieve anything you want, just don’t ever stop