Best workout app?

@ndawg77 What did you end up with?

I’ve been trying to find an app where I can compete with random people online. Sort of like the old Nike Run Club where you can compete
  1. HeavySet to track reps and volume. Been using for 6 months and it's helped so much. Over a long workout I'll find I can add in one extra rep to a set, and over 6 months those extra reps have compounded. Have to pay for it but worth it imo
  2. Intervals Pro - workout timers that you can customize rest intervals etc. Pro is the version you buy, but there is also a free version that I used for a year before buying Pro
  3. Myfitnesspal - you probably already know it, but counting calories
After reading the comments I'm gonna try Hevy. Looks like it might be able to replace 1 and 2, although HeavySet has a timer as well but I strongly prefer Intervals Pro's timer
@ndawg77 I posted once a long time ago when my new workout app was just starting some external testing but as of today, it's public for beta testing! So if anyone is keen on trying a new app or wants to help share feedback/thoughts I'd love to hear your input. I'm actively updating it based on what people are sharing with me so the more input the better! It's still in beta so there will be bugs or issues, so if you find any, please just shoot me a message if you can and I'll sort than as soon as possible.

Android Users

You can find it(in beta mode) on Google Play at

iOS Users (Link disabled temporarily)

If you want to test on iOS you can use this link Because Apple likes to be difficult, you just need to first download their app called TestFlight, which allows you to install private apps that are still in beta. Then you can go back to this link and click on "Start Testing". If you're seeing a redeem code popup in TestFlight, just close TestFlight, then go back to the link above and click on "Start Testing", that should take you to the app's install page. The redeem stuff is for nonpublic links where the developer sends you a private code, so you should be able to ignore that.

If you want to checkout the website you can find it here too(super basic for now) -
@ndawg77 I just bought the begginer base 2.0, and im pretty much enjoying it. With just 2-3 weeks its already possible to see some body changes. I like the way that Jeremy explains and works with updated science.

Here is a promo code (20% off) for bws programs: LE6UML39EY
@ndawg77 Hey everyone, I've chatted with a few people in this thread about a new workout tracker app I've built called Gymsight. It's been in beta for ages but I FINALLY got it approved on the AppStore and Google Play so you're more than welcome to give it a go!

Here are some links to the app

Google Play:

App Store:


I'd love to hear what you think and any feedback you have! Obviously, it's really new and will have some kinks to sort out but I hope you like it!

Any feedback or thoughts will go a long way for me to be able to make improvements too, right now most of the feedback is from my own use lol.

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