Body exercises for the obese?

@nwpioneer Came here to suggest this, or the minimalist routine. You can do push-ups against the wall, moving feet out as you get stronger. Lunges, go shallow and do them next to a table or counter, in case you need a little help. Do the rows from close to standing instead of leaning back. Instead of the shoulder taps, do high planks till you’re ready to add the taps. Speaking as an obese person, I think you’ll start to see some improvement in strength and in appearance in a couple of weeks. It’ll be awesome!
@nickale My humble suggestion on top of whatever exercise you'll be doing is to count calories. My Fitness Pal is an extremely powerful tool that you can use to give you an idea of what you're actually eating. Pair that up with a kitchen scale and you'll get a much more accurate view of your daily intake.

I started a fairly aggressive calorie deficit in December to lose some weight for my sport. I typically train around 5-6 days a week and have a decent amount of muscle, so results may vary here. I'm down from 250lbs to 230lbs. That's including falling off the wagon a few times and then getting back on.

They key to success here is long-term commitment. If you haven't tried the calorie counting thing yet, just try it for 2 weeks and try to set some reasonable goals. You may be surprised at your results.