Body exercises for the obese?

@nwpioneer Came here to suggest this, or the minimalist routine. You can do push-ups against the wall, moving feet out as you get stronger. Lunges, go shallow and do them next to a table or counter, in case you need a little help. Do the rows from close to standing instead of leaning back. Instead of the shoulder taps, do high planks till you’re ready to add the taps. Speaking as an obese person, I think you’ll start to see some improvement in strength and in appearance in a couple of weeks. It’ll be awesome!
@nickale My humble suggestion on top of whatever exercise you'll be doing is to count calories. My Fitness Pal is an extremely powerful tool that you can use to give you an idea of what you're actually eating. Pair that up with a kitchen scale and you'll get a much more accurate view of your daily intake.

I started a fairly aggressive calorie deficit in December to lose some weight for my sport. I typically train around 5-6 days a week and have a decent amount of muscle, so results may vary here. I'm down from 250lbs to 230lbs. That's including falling off the wagon a few times and then getting back on.

They key to success here is long-term commitment. If you haven't tried the calorie counting thing yet, just try it for 2 weeks and try to set some reasonable goals. You may be surprised at your results.
@nickale You could also look up prenatal exercises on YouTube. It may sound weird but they assume you are round and get out of breath easier. So they create workouts with the intention of getting your heart rate up.
@nickale Incline push-ups, face pulls on the door way, lift water bottles to simulate weights
Buckets of water do the same, but be careful. Doing yoga will be most helpful
@nickale Obligatory not an expert, but be especially careful with hand balancing. Your legs will have gotten useful to your weight by now. But your hands and shoulders won't. So be careful loading them up.

Aside from that, iunno. Same thing as everybody else, but slightly different?
@nickale I started a blog around two weeks ago. There are some meal plans in it but since coronavirus has become a pandemic I have been concentrating on educating people about that. It was not the best time to start the blog but I am trying to do my part. Head over to Follow it so you will get a mail when I start posting workout plans as well.
@nickale I just lost 30lbs with a low carb diet. It took a while and I said no to a lot. Here is what I recommend.
1. 8 knee push-ups, rest and repeat 3x
2. 10 sit-ups rest and repeat 3x
3. Run 10 seconds, walk 10 seconds, repeat for 10 minutes or as long as you can.
4. Try planks for core for 30 seconds. X3
5. Do it every day for a week. You'll be so proud of yourself.
@nickale Planks. They do so much.

Squats- be careful and focus on form.

Pushups staying on your knees

Jumping Jack's are underrated.

Burn/rip p90x and go through the workouts doing everything you can. Half of it doesn't require anything.
@nickale I've done burpees daily for about ten years. Here are some blog posts on it.

I started with ten a day. Now I do more than 50 per day. Every now and then I add a new exercise or stretch so my full routine is twice-daily 15-minute calisthenics routine.

I like burpees because
  • no equipment
  • no spotter
  • any weather
  • anywhere, while traveling
  • no extra space
  • any time of day
  • zero cost
yet work most of the body.