Body fat too high?


New member
Background: 57 y female, 5’4”current weight 131. Lost 25 pounds in the past year through diet and exercise. I do 30 min cardio and 30 minutes weightlifting 3-4 times a week. Generally I’m in maintenance mode with my diet.
My Renpho scale, along with testing at the gym has my body fat at 25.7%. I still feel like I have “fat” that I’d like to lose, mostly around my midsection and upper thighs.

My family and coworkers express that I’m at perfect weight and not to lose anymore weight. I also don’t want to lose any more weight in my face, because of my age I’m afraid of sagging or looking gaunt.
Should I just be happy where I’m at? I guess my question is, do I stop the cardio and just continue weightlifting? I’d love to lose my muffin top but it just seems like I continue lose weight in my upper waist, arms, chest and face. Is it possible to just lose belly fat? I still feel “fat” if that makes any sense. To be fair, my belly fat is well disguised in my clothes, and that’s why people are telling me to stop.
Has anyone had success losing this fluff??
Diet wise, I’m just moderating everything, very low carbs, moderate protein, no candy or excessive sugar.

Thanks for any advice!
@nedlm10 Menopause has a tendency to love belly fat, unfortunately. Having said that, it’s very possible, it may just be the last thing to go. I’m around 21% body fat, and still have that frigging pooch of belly fat, and thigh fat. It’s gotten much better and I’m still working away at it.

As far as what other people are telling you, it really doesn’t matter what they think, your opinion is the only one that matters. I’m 5’8 and people started telling me to stop at 180, it cracked me up. Assuming you’re in the US, there are now more overweight/obese people than people at ideal weight. That definitely skews perceptions.
@2kindsofsorrow Yes! You are so right about the general fitness level of the general population. My husband accuses me of “fat shaming” people when I comment about someone who’s gained a lot of weight, or someone in a restaurant eating a massive plate of food. My goal is to go into my “later” years strong and healthy. I don’t take any medications, and honestly I know that many illnesses and diseases are caused by obesity and living a sedentary lifestyle. Being thin and feeling great in your jeans is an added bonus to taking ahold of your fitness.
@nedlm10 It makes a huge difference, I’m down almost 100 lbs and while I wasn’t on meds for any issues, I was headed that way quickly. Bad cholesterol results are what gave me the kick in the pants I needed. Was pre-diabetic as well. Blood pressure on the fringe, and I’m not going to even go into the problems with my cycles. All gone.
@2kindsofsorrow We've definitely lost sight of what a healthy, low bodfat is in the US. I'm same ht as you, 160lbs but know that I feel much better at 140 and that's what I'm shooting for.

Your opinion is what matters most.
@nedlm10 First, congrats on your weight loss so far. We have similar stats, although I am a hair shorter and a few years younger than you. Around 122ish is the tipping point for getting/staying under the 25% BF range. Ultimately, I'd like to get to about 18%, which is probably out of vanity and proving I can do it more than anything else.

I sometimes get comments that are not that supportive, but these are also coming from people who used to be thinner, don't understand my POV, or have little to no ambition to change their habits, so there's that. For the most part, it is not a topic I discuss with them to avoid gaslighting or unthoughtful commentary.

(However, I did "inherit" some pretty nice vintage 90s era 550 Levis from someone who had no plans to ever fitting into them again.)

I use a vertical climber and do a lot of a countertop/incline pushups with pretty good results so far. On no meds, have great mobility and can get up from the floor without struggling. My goal is to keep at it and get better. Natty bro.

*Edited to reword.
@klonopin48 Thanks! I will start targeting my midsection. I’m so happy with my arms and back though, cannot wait for summer to show off a bit! 😊
I’ll try incline pushups. I get a lot of good exercise tips on TikTok.
I’m really not interested in losing any more weight.
I’ll just keep on what I’m doing and hopefully it’ll come off.

I do try to just ignore comments made by people; I work in a male dominated occupation and coworkers constantly give unsolicited feedback about women’s appearances. You wouldn’t believe it. When I walk away without saying a word they think I’m being a bitch.

Anyway, good luck to you on your journey as well!
@nedlm10 Hey thanks for the kind wishes, I am rooting for you. And sorry to hear that your work environment is the way it is.

I hope you found some great summer tops to show your progress - which is a whole different topic. I am struggling to find my "fashion" sense. Like what is the best way to dress being 50+? Jeans and TShirts are boring. And I never wear leggings outside of the gym or at home. I've always liked dresses, skirts, and skorts. Most people I know tend toward leisure wear, so they make me look like I'm trying too hard or something. Ugh. What to do?
@nedlm10 Congratulations on your weight loss but you are in maintenance mode. There’s more than one way to meet weight loss and body recomposition goals.

I’ve lost belly fat but weigh the same as I did 2 years ago. I can now wear the Hugo Boss pants I bought 20 years ago that had become to snug.

I did this by going to the gym 1-2 times a week, eating a bit less food, and lots of walking. Some weeks I walk 50 km (31 miles).
@nedlm10 I also have a Renpho scale and I THINK the body fat estimate is fairly accurate, fairly. 25% BF is pretty decent for a woman of any age so I really wouldn’t get to hung up on it, but I can understand that your obsessing over it so I’m not going to tell you not to care.

What I would do if I were you is look into a leg focused Upper/Lower split with HIIT(ish) upper body and size focused lower. Then on “off” days I’d do some low impact but hard cardio like cycling or rowing machine for under 45 minutes.

I hope this helps……
@sanj79 Thank you! Good advice! I am extremely happy with my progress so far.

I’m getting a little bored with my current routine but when I head down to Florida next month I belong to an actual gym, so I have more opportunities to do different things. I am able to attend group classes such as group power lifting and hiit as well.
We’ll see how it goes!
@nedlm10 Yes, focus on weight!! You’ll continue to get stronger and lose the muffin top. Check out these hashtags on Instagram and see what weights can do: #fitnessover50 and #fitnessover60