Body Recomposition


New member
Hey guys! Im a 22 y/o female who goes to the gym about 3-4 times a week and I want to start getting more of a form/slim figure but can’t figure out how, any tips? I do the treadmill w/ full incline and about 4 speed for an hour and then sometimes will hit the leg machines and then leave. My diet is pretty healthy for the most part with mainly clean eating, healthy fats and fruits, lean meats and I also do intermittent fasting but im stuck! My tummy is slim but everything else on my body practically stays the same, help!
@jellybeab First, if you want to tone muscle and get stronger, you’ll need a more comprehensive strength training plan. Check out the wiki over at r/fitness - they have lots of good suggested plans.

Second, if you want to lose weight or size (this isn’t clear from your post but I’m extrapolating from what you said), WHAT you eat is less important than HOW MUCH you eat. You can eat a “healthy” diet and still be in a caloric surplus or at maintenance calories, which means you won’t lose weight. Use an online calculator to figure out how many calories your body burns in a day, and subtract 500 from that to get your daily calorie target. Use a free macro tracking app to keep track of what you eat and make sure you come in at your target. With that and the strength training, you should start to see results over time. Good luck!
@jellybeab recomposition means building muscle while eating roughly around maintenance because that is logically how you lose bodyfat without becoming a significantly smaller person.

building muscle is best achieved through progressively overloading the exercises that you do for whichever muscle groups you want to grow via applying an appropriate number of sets relatively close to failure.

/r/fitness wiki is a good spot to start