Does body recomposition actually work?

@_marc97 Agree it may just be water/glycogen. If I stop lifting for a week my weight will automatically drop 2 lbs and I’ll automatically regain 2 lbs once I resume lifting.

As others have stated, recomp takes a very long time for subtle changes. I’ve done both recomp and bulking/cutting, which, for me, means a lot of tracking cause I don’t want to gain too much fat and I don’t like having a steep calorie deficit.

Ultimately depends what you want to do! Are you generally happy with how you look? Then recomp, If counting calories or macros leads you down an obsessive path, then recomp. Eat at maintenance and continue to progressively overload on a solid program.

If you’re unhappy with how you look, then try a bulk/cut for a few months.

PS I’d like to do another (lean) bulk this winter but I hate dieting and don’t trust myself that I’ll successfully cut calories:)

Good luck!
@nathan2018 I agree. Or you maybe are ovulating, have your period, need to poop, are well hydrated, Saturn is in Venus, you get the picture. Could be a bunch of things. If you’re not fitting into your clothes, that’s when you start to worry.
@_marc97 You are about the same height as me. We shorties have to be patient and wait longer to see results (I've heard if a person with more height would see results at 4 weeks, ours comes at 8 weeks). I can't comment on if you are doing anything wrong. I'm just here for moral support and working on a recomp myself!