Same exact weight, same lighting, no pump, same angle tried to replicate each picture as much as possible! This transformation took me 4 years of consistency and my goal the whole time was to just be stronger not to train for more muscle
My routine was dependent on goals that I had at the time for example, planches, levers, ect… and the focus was never to build muscle. It’s very easy to transform yourself into the person you’ve dreamed of it’s all about consistency
As for diet, there was non, I went from fat to skinny to what I am right now, all for the purpose of learning how do eat, once you learn how to eat and how all of that works you can eat what you want! And now how to loose or gain weight
MOST IMPORTANTLY NO STEROIDS!!!!!! CAFFEIN IS THE MOST IMPORTANCE! People always accuse of me this hahah
If you guys have any questions feel free to ask I’ll give any advice free programs free nutrition