Body transformation 4 years

@drewz waaait I think I've seen one of your posts on reddit before. Were you the guy who wrote a "rant" about calisthenics?

Good job nonetheless! I'm curious what your max number of reps in a single set is for each of the core exercises: push-ups, pull-ups, dips, squats. If you do others, I am curious about those as well.

Edit: I am also curious how often you train each of these per week.
@drewz Congrats man! Keep it up!

What was your highest volume routine?

What things didn't work that you thought would work?

What is your current routine?

What is your current diet like?

Do you keep this physique year round?

Do you live in a warm climate?

What is your current routine?

Do you still have goals or are you satisfied with what you've achieved?
@drewz What did you do that made your biceps look so big. I’ve been doing BF for about 6 months now and getting gains almost everywhere but my biceps have actually gotten smaller since I left the gym. Any suggestions?