Body weight DOES translate to lifting gains

@evobunny I live in New England so once it warms up I’m hugely looking forward to outdoor work outs. I live in a small cabin (tiny house) in the woods and will be building a calisthenics gym this spring.

Goggins is who got me into running ultra marathons actually
@rightway16 How long have you been on this? I do 400 pushups, 100 pullups, 100 bodyweight rows, and 100 squats a day. I haven't seen too much gains yet but am interested to hear more about your experience.
@meplus3 You haven’t seen much improvement?? This specific regiment has been since January 1st of this year. I had buy new workout sweatshirts cause 2 of them got too tight around my chest and back
@meplus3 I eat like an absolute pig. Everyone comments on how much food I consume. Every meal has an ungodly amount of meat. Not uncommon for me to eat 3 to 4 pounds a day
@meplus3 Are used to be on the carnivore diet. Even if I have small amounts of vegetables I get diarrhea no matter what. On the toilet 4 times a day. When I really stick to mostly meat I feel better in general in every aspect of my life
@piper7 Everyday except I’ve missed one day this year. Once my workout is complete if I’m feeling froggy I’ll do extra stuff for fun. I don’t max out often but about a month ago I did a set of 32 at planet fitness and got in trouble
@rightway16 32 pull ups in a row, that's impressive!!

Three exercises only feels wrong for balance etc... For example I've read about getting shoulders issues from not working the upper back enough. I wonder if your working at a farm helps here.
@piper7 Thanks. I see your point, possibility of imbalance but I do handstand push ups and hand walks too so my shoulders get worked.

I put a link in the original post you can see my physique doesn’t look imbalanced (aside from shoulder surgery reducing my backwards range of motion on my right side)

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