Body weight DOES translate to lifting gains

@ikhena if you do 1-2-3-4-5-6-5-4-3-2-1 that is 36 pull ups. Super short breaks. If you do that 3 times thats 102 pull ups. You could do that in about 15 minutes probably. You would never get to you struggle of 10. That is how you build volume. Volume will lead to strength. You do that a few times a week you you could easily do 10's I bet.
@andraus You mean short break after 1 , then 2, then 3, ... ?

Not sure if i can. I get muscle fatigue after 6-7 reps and then i will struggle to pull myself up completely.

Maybe i will try if i can do 12344321

Thanks for the tip !
@ikhena Start there. Do a few “sets” of these a few times a week for 2-3 weeks . See if 10 pull ups is easier and report back. See if you fan get to the 4th rung in the ladder. Rest longer if need be.
@rightway16 It can but to be fair going from barbell bench to all dumbell presses, when you go back to barbell you will be weaker. Bench press is a lot more tempermental of a lift then lower body and back exercises.

But when we loose certain lifts we won't improve that lift by progressing in strength in another.

TLDR so what's my nitpicky point 🤡

You are correct bodyweight exercises can improve lifts, but its hit and miss. And it's the nature of specific strength. Not anything a person can do wrong.

But I really liked this, it's really interesting bottom line. Some bodyweight exercises are very hard and will give large body parts a very strong work out so of course you got stronger you worked your ass off 👍👍👍💪
@dawn16 All true. I would never suggest bw fitness can replace lifting weights. They’re different from one another and I don’t preach that people should do body weight stuff. Do whatever you want. I used to do gymnastics so my hearts in moving my body around objects not moving objects around my body
@dawn16 Id like to Mix it. Pendlay rows, superset with Ring rows. Or first some pullups (currently low rep weighted) then fighter Program Progression, then lat pulldown dropset.
@rightway16 I sort of reset my workout after lockdowns. Heavy lifting and 50 year old tendons don't mix well without gear. I went from 3 rep max weight to 20 rep weight and the weight I'm moving is going up so fast, I'll be doing 20 reps with weights i used to do 3 on this year. Read some articles on Alan Richsons prep for Reacher and it seems he was also doing 20+ rep ranges (steroids not withstanding).
@rightway16 Damn dude are you some Greek God.
Do you do anything else apart from pull-ups? I do bodyweight rows and trying to develop enough strength towards pull-ups. I'm wondering if these will translate to deadlift strength? Coz that involves different muscles

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