Body weight DOES translate to lifting gains

@arteytheatheist Yeah a lot of people have said that, it’s an everyday thing though cause my goal for 2022 is to do 100,000 push ups 100,00 squats and 50,000 push ups. Or whatever the math is for doing it everyday
@rightway16 Good luck! Just listen to your body, and don't wreck yourself for the sake of an arbitrary number. Just because it was fine in the past, doesn't mean it will be in the future. Doesn't mean you're doomed to injury either. Just be smart about it. Those are impressive gains either way.
@arteytheatheist Why would he start to hurt in "a while"? What does this even mean and how is this helpful?

If he built up to this volume slowly and it's not an overwhelming daily stress, what's going to happen?

Not trying to be rude but this sounds like the old guy in the gym saying how he used to squat 500 in high school before his knees blew out.
@xaydungsongnam Definitely not that guy, haha. I was just trying to give a friendly warning about potential joint lock up. Neither of us know exactly how OP trains, so I didn't think there was anything wrong with my comment, just in case they weren't aware of the potential risk.
@arteytheatheist I guess to me the intensity is so low, if you build up to it slowly I don't see how you get injured unless your form is terrible or you rush and force reps. Especially if you start doing this kind of thing young. Especially the high rep squats part. Legs can take a beating.
@xaydungsongnam Well im pretty sure its just calisthenic squats. No extra weight. When i was in military school we did probably 3-400 squats a day. There were days id run my mouth to my sergeant in the morning and they’d tell me to do 1000 pushups by the end of the day and id have them done by lunch. And im talking proper shoulder width 90° push-ups. And i was 16, 5’7” 135lbs.
Edit: i should add this wasnt off the bat though. It was a 6 month program so obviously we weren’t in the best shape going in but by 4 months in, a 10 mile ruck march with 100lb rucksack was a cake walk. I think my 2 minute pushup count was something around 110 or so. But dont quote me on that, it was a long time ago
@ellamaffey Yeah that's what I'm saying you can do a lot of that kind of low intensity stuff (minus the rucking). If you work your baseline up to a high level early on I don't see why that couldn't be maintained throughout your life more or less.
@andypro7 I use video to check form not on what should be a routine…but since you asked maybe I just going to record my push up… there were days I did over 700 push up but those were all regular push up