Body weight DOES translate to lifting gains

@vetpharmtech I have a lot of background in high rep stuff anyway so to answer your question…yes, and it’s volume lol. That’s the reason I got into body weight stuff is I wanted my tendons and ligaments to grow/strengthen in conjunction with my muscles and that’s been years in the making. I literally choose body weight stuff so I have strong joints and I’ve worked my way up

I wouldn’t suggest doing this as a beginner though
@rightway16 Ah, gotcha! Makes total sense.

I've been lifting for about 6 years and recently started adding in the bodyweight stuff; to my surprise, the bodyweight exercises make me very sore and, like I mentioned, inflame the tendons heavily, although my wrists are starting to feel more solid. I'll just keep taking it easy and doing less strain workouts.
@vetpharmtech Muscles are relatively plastic and responds much quicker than tendons, ligaments and joints which typically take a long time (210 days?) to condition.
I just read that OP did gymnastics before; they work on flexibility, balance, mobility and strength so intensely train joints and are the strongest functionally pound for pound (and then some.) Ie foundations are excellent to do anything.
@rightway16 How does this make sense

If i do that much repetition in a day my entire bones would be completely unable to do any sort of physical work for at least 2 - 3 days

200 push ups enough destroy my wrists, elbows, not to mention sore ass chest for 2 days min
@rightway16 I totally agree! I’ve been doing bwf for about 10 months and started deadlifting last monday. I managed to pull 225 for 5. It was super easy and I could have gone heavier but I’m trying to slowly ease into it. It’s awesome because not only can I do 50lb pull-ups for reps but I can also ( hopefully in the near future) deadlift 315 or even 405 for reps .
@dawn16 That’s what I love to hear! So funny when people say “well yeah no shit you can do a lot of pull ups you’re small” then I throw on a 45lb plate and still do more pull ups than them lmao!
@rightway16 Relative strength is much more impressive then absolute strength. And calisthenic/gymnastic athletes are the best at it. Not only can we lift heavy but we can move more efficiently.
@rightway16 Bodyweight trains the min stat, weights train the max stat.

Tendons/ligaments are the basis for the min as muscles are for the max.

Max stat goes up by default as the min goes up. Once I reach my min goals, max goals next. :D
@igbinosa23 From my perspective, it'll increase the pace as long as it doesn't hinder the workout at a significant rate.

Stats still increase while bringing the two closer together.

Also, it'll depend on how it's utilized. If using during the workout only, them aiming more towards the max, vs wearing it all day as if you gained that weight. Similar to why heavier people have stronger than expected leg muscles.
@rightway16 How do you split up your workouts? I’ve just started doing a grease the groove approach to my pull ups (doing a few at a time many times in a day), wondering what the best way of building up to more reps in a day is
@coog Most of the time I do them all in one 1 hr session. I get squats out of the way first….just recently started doing a 200 rep set then a 100 rep set. DONE. Then I do sets of 25 push ups and 12 pull ups back and forth til I’m done.
@rightway16 Pretty intense! My current Max is 15 pushups and 7 pullups and I need to Rest a good amount of time to redo these numbers. I really Lack upper body endurance

How did you get the idea of doing such a high rep regimen? I saw iron Wolf a year ago. The Video where the freaking 271 burpee of his 500 burpee workout Was performed wrong. He just resett himself and did his rep again and continued flawless up to 500. A freaking Monster this guy.
@thispoorman That’s so savage. I want to do 100,000 push ups and squats and 50,000 pull ups. My last ultramarathon ruined my body so I decided to quit running and higher reps calisthenics keeps me happy
@rightway16 Wow thats a Solid base of endurance to Start with I guess. I plan to have my first half Marathon this year.

How do you Plan your progress? Do you have criteria to add reps or reduce Rest Times? Do you use Variations, like diamond pushup or Chin ups?

And what are you eating? Do you have some sort of diet?

I am really interested because this type of Training might be one I want to combine with some strength principles, like heavy deadlifts

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