Bodyweight Skill Tree

@hannah97 And a challenge of the skill tree is that different paths lead to interconnected skills (dragon press, floor Victorian, ring Victorian, reverse planche and even impossible dips with a lot of lean for example) but the idea is cool, you could have color codes or something like that for moves that are similar in muscles used and carry over between them.
@thomaslowrens The revised version I am working on right now will have color coding, but probably not in the exact way you are proposing. Nevertheless. I will try my best to structure it as clear as possible.
@hannah97 One suggestion would be to relabel these skills and strength elements… Since many of those things are in fact strength elements and not skills.

It was difficult to read on the mobile come out later on a bigger screen I’ll look this over carefully and provide any other feedback or suggestions.

Overall it looks pretty cool!