Breaking - Roman is injured (confirmed)

@juju05 There’s plenty to love about this sport but this part is fucking brain dead

I’ve been at comps where there has been one guy left on the floor struggling with a clean and jerk he clearly cannot lift. He’s failed it 3 times and on his previous attempt he’s caught it in a zercher squat and nearly fallen headfirst with the barbell. Everyone is yelling at him to try again. No for fucks sake, last thing he should be doing is trying again

Roman doing those DU is exactly the same thing. What if he’d have hit his other foot with the heavy rope or tripped and fell on it? Could have affected any chance he has in the final event or even put him out permanently.

Stuff like this isn’t honorable it’s idiotic
@backnspace I think if there was longer left, or before a cut then it certainly would have been more contentious - or even if the last event was something he could actually do and would benefit from less energy used on event 11 somehow… but as it was CF knew he couldn’t do event 12 so they should have let him just stop
@tennesseegirl1993 Totally agree, this is the thing I really dislike about CrossFit this sect mentality that failure is not an option.

Plenty to love about CrossFit, but please stop encouraging this, it only makes it a disservice
@juju05 It’s about going through workout with a broken foot just to show grit? That’s stupid.

I assumed there was minimum work required, if that’s not the case, that was completely unwarranted, dangerous and probably pushed just by this nonsense perspective.

Glad he went through it “unscathed”, but he could have seriously worsened his injury.