Breaking - Roman is injured (confirmed)

@larry3 Seems unlikely, sadly. He won't be able to finish either event, which won't earn him any points. He only had a 1 event buffer over Pat and one and a half over Brent. He now lost both of those buffers with Brent and Pat finishing 1 and 2 the P-Bar traverse. Both would need to perform badly in the last event.

I feel so bad for the guy. Can't catch a fucking break and seems like such a great dude.
@lisa1971 That’s bs. There should always be a minimum work amount. I love Roman and it makes me sad he’s hurt, but let’s have some standards shall we?
I also disagreed when there was no minimum for pegboards and katrin just stood there and did nothing to go on and win overall.

But when they make mat do a minimum despite the inability for the field to pass him or Froning has to do 1 rope climb or he can’t be on the podium , it’s too variable.
@bengalinath19 I always liked having minimum work requirements, too. It's dumb that you are getting so heavily downvoted just for having an opinion. Being able to meet a minimum work requirement in every event shows that the athlete is well-rounded and can be at least mediocre at everything (mediocre being relative to a Games-level standard.) I agree that it sucks that Roman got hurt, but that's just how sports go sometimes.
@abbysweet It seems to me more like a lot of people dealing with chronic stuff coming into the competition versus the events themselves causing a problem. If anything, I was thinking the events had pretty reasonable loads compared to the abilities of the athletes, and we haven't had any crazy events like Murph 2016 that were obviously taking multiple athletes out of competition with a single event.
@kimberlykay This was all on Roman. As an athlete you knew you had to go over the logs. You could control where you placed it and where you jumped.

Absolutely gutted for Roman but you can’t put this on HQ, they did nothing wrong.