Building myself a program towards goals of HSPU & FL; Any changes/advice?


New member
Training Plan Spring 2024

Firstly I am M23 175 Ibs & been training cali for 2 years now, did weightlifting for 4 years prior. Really looking into unlocking some calisthenics skills and it has been challenging to get HSPU with how long it has taken.

Some more stats:

I can do x3 good quality strict HSPU chest to wall (you'll see I've put x5 in my routine, I always go to technical failure then finish out with pikes)

I can do a "dirty" straddle FL... Can hold an advanced FL for 30s.

Weighted pullup 115 Ibs (165% of BW)

Weighted dip 150 Ibs (185% of BW)

Am into weighted pullups and dips & would like to utilize those as tools, but will be travelling some for the first third of this year so I will not include these for now.

Can do a nordic curl touching my chest to the ground and back

Focus: HSPU, FL, Leg health & explosiveness, compatibility with travels (meaning the workouts can be performed with no equipment)

Can do a nordic curl touching my chest to the ground and back repeat.

4/5 days workout



2. Front Lever

3. Deep Step Up with no pain

4. Full Nordic arms overhead

5. Dragon Squat

6. 30s L-sit

7. Lotus Pose

8. 38min 10k

Volume (Sets/total reps count):

Vertical overhead Push: 3/15 + 3/12 + 3/21 = 9/48

Vertical down Push: 3/30 + 3/30 = 6/60

Horizontal Push: 3/30 + 3/24 + 3/15 + 3/30 = 12/99

Vertical Pull: 3/21 + 3/21 + 3/30 + 3/12 = 12/84

Horizontal Pull: 3/15 + 3/30 + 3/21 + 3/30 + 3/12 = 12/108

Legs posterior: 3/15 + 3/24 + 3/21 + 3/30 + 3/30 + 3/30 = 18/160

Legs anterior: 3/15 + 3/24 + 3/30 + 3/15 + 3/15 + 3/30 = 18/139

Day 1: Upper

Skills Superset:



Superset 1: 3 x

Chest to wall HSPU x5 (switch for attempts on week 6)

Front Lever raises x5 (switch for holds on week 6)

Superset 2: 3x

Bulgarian Dips x10

Explosive Pull-ups x7

Superset 3:

Planche pushups x10 (switch to iso holds on week 6)

Archer Rows x10 each arm

Day 2: Lower

Superset 1: 3 x

Nordic Curls x5

Elevated Dragon squat x5 each

Superset 2: 3 x

ATG Split Squats x8 each

Step downs x10 each (or barbell hip thrust if available)

Superset 3: 3 x

Reverse Nordic / sissy squats / shrimp squats / Spanish squats x5

Tibialis + Calf raises x10

Burnout set: (repeat superset until 1 from failure)

Kickstand squats x5 each 

Crossack to lateral lunge x5 each

Day 3: Rest (Run/Soccer/Yoga)

Day 4: Upper

Skills Superset:



Superset 1: 3 x

Pike to bent arm hold x4

FL Rows x7

Superset 2:

Elevated Pike Pushups x7

Wide L-sit PLU x7

Superset 3:

Planche pushups x8

Inverted rows x10

Day 5: Lower

Superset 1: 3 x

Step ups x7

Single Leg Glute Switches /BW Single Leg Hamstring Curls (with TRX/rope) x5 each

Superset 2: 3 x (or sled push/pulls if available)

Pistol Squats x5

Jump Squats + Squats x10/20

Superset 3: 3 x

Single Leg RDLs x10

Broad Jumps x10

Day 6: Upper

Skills Superset:



Superset 1: 3 x

Archer Pull ups x5 each arm

Explosive Pseudo Planche pushups x5

Superset 2: 3 x

FL to MU bottom position x4

Bulgarian Dips x10

Superset 3: 3 x

Rotator cuff stuff x10 (Ring Y’s & W’s ; Angels & Devils ; etc)

Archer Pushups x5 each arm (or banded internal shoulder rotations?)

Day 7: Rest (Run/Soccer/Yoga)

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!!
@kaylamorgan There are some pretty good exercises in here!

One thing I think you may be able to improve is that you have 3 Upper Body days. That might work for a moment but as you get more advanced, that frequency might be a bit higher. I would suggest dropping it down lower.

I'd also suggest bringing in some of the exercises. Focusing on Planche Pushups, HSPUs, Front Lever Row progressions like the Bodyweight Arc Row, and the One Arm Chin-Up progressions. If you work on all of those, you'll gain on everything else for free! :D
@jermyn I’ve been thinking about this comment a lot now, but I want to ask:

No dips?

I’m really trying for HSPU now, took out planche bc in my mind it doesn’t not encompass any of the mechanics of a HSPU. And dips have a surprising amount of carryover I’ve been seeing.

So it’s only really like variations & weighted dips. Any thoughts on that?
@jermyn Thank you taking the time to look through this and come up with some advice! Yea I have often wondered about rest & if I may have too much volume because I always think I’m doing too little based on the past weightlifting programs I would make. I’ll consider that and either cut back on volume each day or just do 2 days upper instead & see the effects. I got 3 days a week upper recommendation from overcoming gravity book.

Then, I checked out your video there & bro you are cracked dang- thank you for sharing that. It indeed makes a lot of sense. Considering that- you’re probably suggesting then not doing FL raises or dips? I’ve previously thought that these were fantastic exercises to incorporate to hit any weak points- but if other core movements can be more effective, then I’d want to allot my energy towards those.