Petite people: what do you consume to get enough protein for muscle building?

@vman8r I'm 5'3", don't eat meat, fish, or dairy, and I eat ~100g protein a day on higher days, 80g minimum. For protein sources I use TVP (underrated), some fake meats, seitan (homemade is so easy and basically pure protein), tofu, tempeh, lentils, and beans. I pair lower protein options with higher protein sides - edamame, broccoli, maybe quinoa or even lentil pasta. I use soy milk and peanut powder in my shakes and put nutritional yeast on everything.

I'm not gonna lie, I have to pay a bit more attention to getting protein than an omnivore would, but it's totally doable. You just have to get in the habit of picking higher-protein carbs/veggies to make up for less concentrated protein sources, if that makes sense. To hit 100g I have to use protein powder, but 80g is doable from food alone, and I still eat normally :)
@badlydrawnshirts What’s your favorite way to eat TVP? I love it but not sure what to do with it most of the time. I’m vegan and really struggle getting enough protein without trying. Gonna have to learn how to eat more like you!
@konfesslena There are some great suggestions here already - I pretty much just use it as a meat (especially mince) substitute. It goes well in bolognese, enchiladas, bibimbap bowls, to make dan dan noodles, in a stir fry, to make cottage pie, in pasta sauce, etc. I've heard of people using it in savoury porridge, or mixing it up with sweeter dishes (like with fruit and yoghurt, a bit like overnight oats I guess?), but I've never tried that.

If you rehydrate it in vegetable stock and cook it with other flavourful ingredients (soy sauce, tomato puree, smoked paprika), it doesn't taste bland at all.

I would definitely recommend seitan if you're trying to get more protein! It's super easy to make and ridiculously high in protein. I'll try and find the recipe I use. It's been a game changer for me.

Edit: here's the recipe! You don't need an Instant Pot, you just have to steam for 40 minutes or bake it. I usually shape it into individual servings, like patties, steam them for like 25 minutes, and then freeze leftovers. They defrost fine in the microwave or on the stovetop.
@badlydrawnshirts Thanks! I’m going to try adding TVP to Asian dishes, that’s a new way to use it. I make seitan pretty regularly, always happy to try new recipes for it. The instant pot was a game changer for how often I make it. I hated watching it for an hour in the stove and the oven method dried it out too much.
@konfesslena For an ultra umami meal, I like to soak the tvp in broth and stirfry it with garlic, onions and mushrooms. You have to squeeze excess water out of the tvp before adding it to the pan. Before eating, sprinkle nutritional yeast on top.

otherwise,Bolognese sauce doesn’t only go with pasta. Roasted vegetables with tvp bolognese sauce on top tastes great.

you can also use tvp in Seitan for a more balanced Protein profile or make burger patties (I made some of these last week with red beet and tvp).
@konfesslena I know you didn't ask me but you can basically use it for everything you would use ground beef in. so things like lasagna, pasta, burritos, etc. I like to stir fry some veggies (onion, bell pepper, carrots + tvp with lots of seasonings) and make zucchini boats with it and it's sooo good.

You can even make cookies with tvp!

@sunshine Thank you! Yes I’ve substituted it for ‘beef in recipes’ many times. Just wasn’t sure if there were more creative ways to use it. Wild it can be used in cookies!
@konfesslena I love TVP. I get the smaller mince and add 0.25 cup to a serving of pasta sauce or in a bowl of chili, to name a couple. I usually don’t rehydrate it because I like the slightly crunchy texture.
@vman8r 5'3'' and 125lb vegan. I do the things /@thebadcatholic does. Great recommendations. I also use red lentil or edamame pasta in place of regular pasta. I use Silk Ultra soy milk (20g protein per cup!) with my morning cereal. You could also use it with shakes. I've been trying to add seitan to more meals as well.
@kirankumar Seconding the alternative grain pastas! Red lentil, chickpea, etc. My bf loves pasta and isn’t really into health/fitness so these are a great dinner compromise for us!
@vman8r 4'9", 120lb athlete. Lactose intolerant but can tolerate whey isolate. Eat mostly pescitarian but not fully. Consume 140g protein per day.

I eat about 1800 calories a day and here's what most of my days look like:

Breakfast Options:

- Protein Coffee (1 scoop chocolate protein powder, 1 scoop collagen, silk ultra soymilk, and coffee in a blender) plus a piece of toast with jam. About 40g protein for breakfast.

- Egg white wrap (1c egg white, 1 whole egg, some vegetarian sausage, 1/2c spinach cooked together in a pan. Add to a high-protein tortilla.) About 40-50g


- Salad with 6oz shrimp, salmon, tuna, or chicken. Also about 40-50g


- Turkey Jerky

- High protein cheese with fruit

- Protein "pudding" (1 scoop protein powder, 1/2 scoop collagen in 2/3c soy milk, whip with a mini whisk then once it's fully combined add 1-2tbsp whipped topping/whipped cream and whip in a little, refrigerate for at least 30min. Tastes like pudding)

Dinner options:

- Salmon, tuna, or cod with broccoli and rice 20-30g

- Shrimp and chickpea curry

- Curried tofu with rice and broccoli

- Chickpea pasta with vegetarian meatballs, spinach and broccoli, and sauce
@vman8r I eat at least 100g of protein a day I am lacto-vegetarian but honestly the only thing I have been eating lately with dairy is a scoop of protein powder in the morning with my coffee and that can be easily swapped for a vegan version. Otherwise I can get all my protein from grain sources and meat substitutes, for example my intake goes like:

1 scoop protein powder with coffee

breakfast - 1 higher protein bagel (~10-12g protein) with nut butter (~5-8g protein)

snack - 1 serving of higher protein cereal for snacks (~10-15g) I like Kashi and quaker

snack - 1 serving of nuts/seeds

Lunch - higher protein pasta (there are lots of options now days made with beans/legumes) with a boca burger and some non-dairy cheese and peas (total like 20-30g)

Snack - high protein lower fat ice cream, probably more cereal

Dinner - another bagel with nut butter and veggies to snack on, OR a bowl of oats

It adds up throughout the day and I'm usually closer to 120 than 100g. I'm also probably leaving out a lot of snacks too but I track my macros to ensure I eat enough right now.

I'm also eating around 2500 calories as I am bulking so I have more flexibility but honestly I could easily cut back on the amount of carbs and substitute in more "meat" options.

I don't know if you have a grocery outlet near you but they carry a lot of fake meats that are very well priced, in addition to lots of vegan dairy products. When you're buying anything that can be a snack look for things higher in protein and it will add up throughout the day. Hope that helps!

EDIT: Forgot to add I am 5'2", currently 119lbs aiming for ~125