Buying 2 x 20kg kettlebells ?


New member
So i have a 24 and 32 kg kb's, the 24 one is one of those wide slippery handle and rubber coating ones, it was my first bell so couldn't really do anything but swings, then i bought a 32kg one, ive been doing only swings (one and two arms). But am watching some double kettlebell workouts lately and thinking if its worth it to spend some money on a 20kg set for some clean & presses, jerks and start to practice some snatches (only with one at first :D ). i guess im looking for some motivation to spend more money :D, what is your experience been going from single to double kb's ? Also am 65kg BW, been swinging for 3 years now.
@sujiro I like single for sone exercises and double for others.
If you have the strength for 24 but you don’t like your particular model then sell yours and buy 24.
@sujiro Mild suggestion. Find a local gym that has kettlebells and see if they do a week free trial membership. Spend the week playing with their bells and then make your decision as to what size to get. Doubles are nice to have though.
@sujiro Switching to double makes single work easier,also it's much easier to put on muscle and get stronger using bells,if that's the tool you want to use to get stronger.

2x20 are extremely versatile weight that you can do pretty much everything with and you'll get most out of what double bells offer you and get a feel for them if you want bigger bells.

Double front squats,double clean and press-bread and butter,if bells is all you got