Calling all cyclists!

@tessal For the padded shorts: go commando, they’re designed for no underwear.

If you wear undies underneath, chafing,
lots of chafing, painful chafing will occur
@dawn16 DEFINITELY AGREE. I used to be really funny about it but had to switch as mileage increased and commando is 100% the way to go
@tessal Since this is a women-centric sub I thought I might bring up something that isn’t talked about much...

I bought a bike to commute to work, so it’s only about 5.5 miles each way. I never experienced much butt pain, but I had A LOT of pain in my [ahem] fleshier bits in the front. After my first ride I was actually bleeding. I know you’re supposed to sit back on your sit bones and I really make an effort to. After some digging I found that this is not an uncommon problem for women that have larger external labia. My solution was to buy a new seat that has a channel down the middle to accommodate (and bonus, it has way more air flow so much cooler down there!). I just wanted to let other women to who might have this problem know there is a solution!
@reyandrei Yes, boy seats are terrible.

I didnt 'know I could ride a multi-peed bike for years and years because every time I tried one it hurt me "there" = right in the middle at the front - like in only a few yards.

Finding out about softer seats was a game-changer.
@reyandrei I also want to add! A ton of saddles are more narrow where the sit bones go! I’ll ride my boyfriends bike sometimes and his saddle will sit in between my sit bones it’s so narrow! It’s horrible on my rear end and tail bone! (Thank goodness it’s a mountain bike so I’m out of the saddle a lot!) Definitely recommend finding a saddle that’s the correct fit! It’s worth the investment! Some major companies are starting to make better saddles for women as well!
@reyandrei can you recommend what seat you bought or show a picture? I've had this problem a LOT with riding and padded shorts have only helped a little
@dawn16 Look at Specialized's saddle options. All their saddles have a cut out or channel, and they actually work with female cyclists to design them. If you find a shop that's a Specialized dealer, I believe you can try multiple saddles before settling on one. Also, get your sit bones measured (or measure them yourself) and make sure you get a saddle that's the proper width.
@dawn16 I’m going to recommend something that’s difficult for a lot of folks due to price, but Fizik makes great saddles and they can recommend saddles based on sit bone width and flexibility. They also have great women’s saddles with center channels to help out with the labia problem!
@tessal Confession time: I have never ridden more on a bicycle since I got a pedal-assist bike. Before, I had a bike that I would occasionally hop on for a recreational ride or to load up with groceries. Then I got an entry-level pedal assist bicycle and I ride it absolutely everywhere.

I struggled with considering it "cheating" but I really do love it. I started out riding on the higher power levels and as I got fitter, dropped it until my default is the lowest setting, the one it feels like pedalling a lightweight road bike. I now ride over 100km a week commuting to work plus all my errands and recreational rides.
@azlan7 anyone who tells you it's "cheating" sincerely does not get the point that bikes are primarily transportation for many people.

you do you! 100km a week commuting and errands!!! amazing
@bongorob Thank you! Not gonna lie, COVID helped massively in making the transition. If I didn't want to get on a crowded bus, my bike it would have to be. That got me past the initial dun-wannas and into a full-fledged routine and I love it so much now. Even in the rain.
@tessal I think one of the best upgrades to my bike riding life was getting gloves. I didn't think they would help that much but omg yes they do. Bike wise, I have a gravel bike which I think is awesome. It gives me lots of flexibility on what sort of riding I can do. I primarily do road riding, but I love being able to go off road and on to the trails too!
@alanaspapa Another good upgrade are shatterproof sunglasses. I learned the hard way when I fell on sand once turning a sharp corner (btw don’t ever do a sharp turn on sand!)