Can’t get past 20 push-ups


New member
50 year old male. No testosterone issues. Had cervical fusion c5-c7 in 2019. After surgery I was unable to do even half a push-up for at least 6 months. From then until a couple months ago I would test out push-ups here and there I discovered I could do 5, then 10 and later 15. I never tried to get an actual workout going though.

About 2 months ago I decided to pursue push-ups regularly to make actual gains. My first day I did 20 in one shot and was pretty happy for a first day attempt. I have not been able to get passed 20 though after 2 months of trying. I do them every other day with 2 sets of 20 sit ups and a 3 mile walk. I’ve tried doing sets of 5 push-ups until I can’t do another full set of 5 with 15 second tests between sets and I can do 7 sets of 5 for 35 reps. I tried this for a couple of weeks and then tried to do max reps and see if I could now get past 20 but still maxed at 20. I’m pretty frustrated. I know it’s only been a couple of months and I’m not young anymore but you’d think I’d have increased to F least 25 by now.

Does anyone have any insight into what I could do to possibly make some progress here? Any tricks or tips? I try to lock my shoulders back and down, I do a full range of motion and not those little half pushups, breath out when pushing and in when lowering, keep my core engaged etc. Thanks in advance.
@twhi Try this:

When you reach 18th repetition, pause at the top for about 3-5 seconds and push out 2 more, repeat this for 3-5 times more.

If at any point you can't complete a full pushup, after the pause, push out 3-5 half repetitions.
@twhi I recommend making sure you make good form and taking each rep slowly, quantity over quality. Do 5 sets of 15 three times a week, and do harder variations of pushups if you find that easy. Make sure you give yourself time to rest and don’t rush things, you’ll get there :)
@twhi Lower the tempo, keep trying to do one more daily if you can. When you reach 25, pretend you want to do an infinite amount. Keep going until you think you can’t, then add three more.

Keep trying. Don’t give up! You can do this!

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