Can barely do pushups solved!

@pastorjeff2u I could do only 2 to 3 as well. Now I can do 25 unbroken pushups, but after 25 my wrist starts to hurt a little. Is there a way I can alleviate the pain in my wrist or I can make them stronger?
P.S. I developed a cyst in my right wrist years back and recently it disappeared on its own.
@pastorjeff2u The thing that helped me most with pressing on exercises is to focus on keeping your back tight and contracted rather than focusing on pushing. If you focus on pushing it's easy to let your scapula and shoulders protract, simply because it feels like you're pushing further when you do
@pastorjeff2u The same thing happened to me. My head was going too low when I was completing each pushup. My shoulders were hurting like crazy. Then I read this post about keeping your head up and keeping your shoulders parallel to the ground when going down. Thank God the pain stopped.
@pastorjeff2u when doing hundreds of pushups form seems to go out the window at some point. then, when you've got nothing left strict form will get you a few more sets of 15 or 10.

strict form all the time doesn't seem doable.
@pastorjeff2u I tried this, focusing on “turning” the hands, proper form, everything suggested here.

I just slammed out 6 push ups with proper form. Mind you, I was doing them at a slight incline, but before this, I could only do 3 slow and very uncomfortable push ups with elbows somewhat glaring out.

Thank you.