@dawn16 Other way around: Right hand clockwise and left hand counter-clockwise. This helps activate the lats and is useful in horizontal presses (push ups and bench) and vertical presses (overhead/military).
@brendan13 Sure. Focus on the movement going down to the ground. Nice and slow, keep the shoulders in place, nice and firm. This is the opposite movement of the push. I like doing them with a band because I feel like it provides some positive resistance to keep my form in check.
@thegoodlordsjester It may be more for kettlebells and dumbbells where you’re hands aren’t in a fixed position like with a barbell or in a handstand, so my bad on that.
But you use that same “corkscrew” technique when pressing overhead to get better lat activation.
@pastorjeff2u Super helpful! My biggest issue with push-ups is trying to keep a straight back and not letting it curve in, but I figure that’s due to lacking core strength?