Can you make good gains with like 6-7 hours of sleep as a beginner?


New member
My siblings are not humans, they're literal orcs so I can only get like 6 hours of sleep on a school night, whereas I can get like 7-8 if I'm lucky. I'm a very light sleeper. My brain is basically programmed to get up by half 8 on the very latest lol. But I heard you need to be consistent getting at least 7-9 hours of sleep to make any sort of gain. I've been getting sufficient protein in my diet (though I can definitely get some more), and I've been gradually increasing the difficulty every time I go to the gym. My shoulders kinda hurt but I'm assuming simply because I haven't worked out that particular area before.

On 6 hours of sleep would you be able to make gains or should I not even bother trying (nothing can be done about the sibling issue so there's that)
@wishwish55 It’s funny you mention this. There are studies now showing the difference between 6 hours and 8 hours in terms of muscle growth and fat loss is tremendous. Sucks bc I can’t seem to get more than 6 😂
@zorah654 Gonna say the same thing as the other person.

If you wake up well rested on your own and don’t have any issues staying awake or feeling rested during the day, you’re good. These are averages.

You do not need exactly 8 hours of sleep.

The average is 7-9, but a small minority of the population will be outside of this without ill effects
@theomegaman19 I can typically function like a normal human being on 6 hours if I have a shower in the morning. And the days I do wake up at 6 are my full days so I don't workout on those days.
@jcr591 I got twin 1.5 year olds lol .. right there with you bro. I just constantly have to adjust my mindset and try just stay consistent. I'm not gonna achieve massive gains but I will definitely see improvements, and that's enough for me at this point.
@jcr591 I have a 2 week old and I'm trying to ramp back up to at least twice a week. Back to work soon. How was your training journey after the birth of you don't mind me asking?
@qsemaj I was just in sleep deprived survival mode for the first 6 months, but that's with twins so hopefully it's easier with 1 baby. Then after that when I was able to get consistently around 5 hours a night I started to try to get 2 workouts in a week with some cardio. Just be kind to yourself and be ok with the fact that the next 12 months are gonna be hard, but it does get easier and you will be able to get back on track
@qsemaj Lol yea man. Twins are tough for sure. And you're welcome man. I can't give you specific workout details cause I'm really still learning myself but just wanted to share my experience
@jcr591 Jeeeez 6 hours sounds like a luxury retreat… my 2 yo makes sure I get no more than 5 hours (30min rem, 2h deep - that’s all I get from the quality perspective). Make muscles before kids that’s all I’m saying.
@sscott I'm hearing ya, mate. 5.5 is about the average, then I'm wide awake.
I've got hypertension issues too, it's gotta be linked. But I can't sleep more than six without sleep medication that is a bit stronger than what I'm comfortable with on a long term basis
@sscott 6+2 absolutely works. Although you might want to look up optimal nap times so you wake up during a light sleep phase and not a REM or deep sleep phase