CrossFit burnout?

@bonlin Here’s the thing. You don’t always have to be ‘on’. I’m a big big fan of taking a sabbatical.

Here’s my advice for you. Screw the Open. Screw your gym for a while. I’m not saying burn bridges and doing a “F you guys, I’m out” speech. But quietly tell your owner that you need a mental break and want to pause your membership for 2-3 months.

Find something else you want to do/learn, and focus on that. If you live near mountains, learn to ski/snowboard and get in that. Or surfing near the beach. Commit to going on long hikes every weekend. Sign up for an entry boxing program. Sign up for a challenging road/mountain bike ride, and then start training for it. Try trail running. Or literally anything else.

My point is, choose a non-CrossFit physical activity (or multiple ones) and do those for a couple months. Stay active and moving, but screw the gym. It’s still going to be there. And then when you feel refreshed, come back.

Will your back squat PR drop by 10 lbs? Maybe. But honestly, who gives a shit? You’re probably not winning the Games, and even without those last 10 lbs you’re still stronger than 95% of people your age/gender. And if you needed to, you can always rebuild it.

Give yourself permission to be burned out. Step away. Find something new to enjoy for a while. And when/if you feel refreshed, I’m sure your box will welcome you back with open arms.
@bonlin For me, cross training is key. I do CF workouts 2-3 times a week, kickboxing 1-2 times a week, cycling 2 a week, and in the summer I switch to more swimming and lifting. I coach bootcamps and cycling and lifting and used to coach CF. I find changing up my schedule every 3-6 months to focus on different sport does wonders mentally and physically. I recommend cross training and changing routines to my clients all the time. I feel you.
@bonlin Yup, 10-year box owner, etc, and hit the same place a few years ago. There's definitely a bit of the culture, the hustle, etc, getting old, but aside from that, I felt like I was getting better at crossfit but not really improving in other athletic goals. I wasn't really getting stronger, wasn't really improving my beach muscles/aesthetics, and started to feel/find holes in my training.

Long story short, I switched to a bit more of a bodybuilding/strength focus 3-4 days/week, doing metcons maybe 2 days/week. I also added some other stuff, like a bunch of Knees-over-Toes guy stuff, which totally fixed my knees, and have been really happy with the results. My deadlift, squat and bench are all up pretty noticeably, my shoulders, arms and back have grown significantly, and I can still drop into a class and keep up. I do notice that my metabolic conditioning is off 15-20%, and my gymnastic and Oly work isn't ask clean as it used to be, but I'm pretty happy with the tradeoffs and like going to the gym again.
@bonlin I started doing CrossFit about 9+ years ago as well. The difference is, I have deliberately taken some extended breaks to do other styles of training. I've always done 1-2 WOD's per week even while doing Powerlifting or Bodybuilding style training for the bulk of the programming. It is very hard to continue to see linear progression with CrossFit and that often is what keeps us motivated. If you switch to another style of training for a while (I'd recommend 6 months minimum, maybe a full year) I guarantee you'll enjoy your WODs more when you do them. You'll also get to nerd out on something different and be motivated by watching your lifting numbers go up or seeing your body actually change.

Personally, I have been back at it full time for about 16 months after a couple of years of inconsistent training at home and it was time to mix it up. Now I'm training for a marathon in October. Still utilizing my local box for my Cross-Training days and bodybuilding sessions but nerding out on running has been a nice distraction and motivator.
@bonlin Do some zone 2, it’s easy, doesn’t require as much warm up as a metcon, and will keep your conditioning up if you decide to do The Open. If you’re a coach, I imagine you have some freedom to go into the gym and do some of your own things. Do what feels good for your body! Maybe that means a 40 min romwod or gowod (idk what the people are using these days lol)

Also, don’t be afraid to take a break from crossfitting. You don’t have to do The Open. You’ve been fitnessing long enough it seems, that you’re not going to just not do something. This might sound kinda lame, but I’ve been going on walks more and it at least makes me feel like I’m doing something. I’m not experiencing what I would consider burnout like you are, but I am dealing with a disc herniation and these things (zone 2 and walking more) have actually made me feel really great and when I do occasionally hop into a metcon, my fitness doesn’t feel like it’s lacking. I’ve also been crossfitting for over 8 years and coaching for about 5 so I have gotten burnt out before, I’m sorry you’re feeling this way, it’s a bummer.

Burnout sucks and it’s real. I’d say it would be helpful to do a different style of training. It has always helped me.
@bonlin Go to class for two weeks, scale the workouts, and try to move perfectly. If the workout is pull-ups and you normally butterfly, perform perfect hollow body kipping pull-ups. Use a weight you KNOW you can hit all of the points of performance regardless of fatigue. And focus on having fun with withers.

I workout 'hard' 1-3 classes a week. However, I don't phone in the classes I don't have any jam, I just give myself different goals.

Pat Sherwood has talked about this.
@bonlin Completely normal. Go back to bro lifting for a while to stimulate different achievements, then come back to CrossFit… or don’t. Any fitness lifestyle is like a pill, it has temporary effects, some longer than others until your mind/body builds a resistance to it.
@bonlin Constantly varied doesn't always mean metcons. As coaches, we tend to limit CF to things we can provide for our members with the resources and facilities we have, but that's not necessarily the whole story.

Personally, I like changing what I do every so often. It's summer here and I've been going to the beach, bodysurfing, swimming a lot. I also like rucking, running, all sorts of things. As it starts to get colder I'm thinking about focusing on Weightlifting for a few months. Other things I've spent time focusing on over the past few years have included boxing and bjj.
@bonlin I actually am in a similar boat, have been CrossFitting for about the same period of time. Worked hard in that time getting myself to a point where I can hang at some of the more regional comps each year as a master athlete. I decided I was never going to improve
My snatch and C&J if I didn’t commit to focus on it so I started going to an OLY gym for some instruction and correction. Maybe it was a Huge mistake (or a blessing) because I love it so much and its all I want to do now! It’s way easier on my body and there is still a competitive option in that sport. I’ll probably never stop cross fitting but sometimes just something different is all it takes to get out of a rut.
@bonlin It all just became boring to me and felt like a chore, so I stopped, found reformer Pilates and am loving working out again and learning new ways to move my body - plus holy shit - I’ve never had shakes and burn like I do in Pilates. Perhaps you should try and find a new way to exercise?
@bonlin I know Dan John is HUGE fan of doing a 6-8 week basic body building style block from time to time to avoid burnout and get off the havy lifting and high impact stuff.
@bonlin I got burnt out from CrossFit and quit to just focus on body building workouts, just lifting weights. I also walk a lot and still use a rower, or ride a bike outside. I go for hikes. My body is thanking me for it.

I also just hate a lot of the movements and feel like it’s a chore to do CrossFit. Like no I don’t want to do wall walks, burpees, or attempt a hand stand push up. Not my thing.
@bonlin Yup, mix it up! Apply your fitness to a sport and try something new..

The Open is always fun...get in the is CrossFit Xmas!!!