CrossFit Filthy 150 - Friday Discussion Thread


New member

The open is said and done and we're on to sanctional season. Sorry for the late thread, I spaced a bit



Official Livestream

Morning Chalkup Stream

Friday Schedule

Saturday Schedule

Sunday Schedule

Event 1: Handwalk Hurry

Event start at 14:30 UTC+1/8:30 ET*

For time

Ski 1000/700m

On 2, 4, and 6 minutes

20m Handstand walk

Event 2 - D Couplet

Event start at 16:45 UTC+1/ 10:45 ET

For Time:


Bar Muscleup

Back Squat (90/60kg)(198/132lb)

Event 3 - 1rm Snatch

Event Start at 18:35 UTC+1/12:35 ET

4 lifts

lift every 3 minutes

20 second window to lift

If you would like anything added please do not hesitate to fire me off a message. If you're going to be covering the event and would like your coverage included in the post, please do the same.
@jonjones229 For those that missed it live,
You can watch it on YouTube still, I’m watching it right now. Enjoyed the workouts today. Also enjoyed everyone being confused by the exact kilos they were lifting
@jonjones229 Overall I’m pretty impressed. I do feel for the poor spectators though, it looks freezing! Hopefully some extra bodies filling the space over the weekend will help.

The coverage is great. When you add up the viewing figures across the three channels (filthy150, MCU and the CrossFit Games) the viewership is pretty decent for a Friday/day 1 of a competition. At the time of writing it’s up to 69k
@followerofchrist12 To be fair, the spectators are weather hardened locals, we dress for it. I spent ages laughing my ass off at the guys getting topless for the snatch workout. Ultimate display of ego lifting.
@dayagri Yes! I was there too and had about 10 layers on me. The heating only went on half way through the snatch event. I could not for the life of me figure out why some of the athletes were half naked.
@jonjones229 [Event 1 - Handwalk Hurry] I understand there being pride in being an athlete and all, but if you cant finish the HSW in the 2 min window, and need to go back to start the next HSW, then you should just stop. No reason to blow yourself out if you can't actually finish.
@simona30 Not sure why you’re getting downvoted.

It’s a competition not your average box WOD. if you’re going to finish last, especially if you’re trapped in the workout then don’t waste the energy.
@rasnosauj I was part of that 1/8th. There were lots more over the other side behind the camera.
It’s typical of any weekend event that the crowds come Saturday and Sunday.
Also, the event is held in Naas, not Dublin, don’t know why they keep saying Dublin, it’s a different town altogether
@rasnosauj Everyone was facing the athletes so the camera was at the same angle with the crowd behind it. Place was actually pretty busy considering it was a Friday afternoon. Tomorrow will be busier