CrossFit games 22 leader board predictions!!

@lsnellen YES!! He's only got a few food years left. he's always had the potential he just can't pull it together come competition. Last year he had an injury if Im not wrong. He looks great this year
@jayce9936 But you watch him in the semifinals and he didn't seem to have that push. He got beat out in the first 2 events, and also from Adler in one of the last, if not last event. To me he didn't seem up to par. granted I'm sure he has yet to peak for the games. So hopefully we see him at his best and in sure mentally it will be a different ball game. I really hope he mentally has that drive but is able to keep control in the games. So long as he doesn't have a dud event, he has a strong chance!
@jayce9936 Oh were talking about Saxon... Hahaha I got mixed up and was talking Velnpner... My bad! Sorry, Saxon definitely looks promising and put up a good show against Medeiros. I don't think he is quite there but a top 5 finish would not be a surprise to me for Saxon
@jayce9936 With these other seasoned athletes it's tough to put him top 5. I originally had him #5 until I realized I forgot BKG so he got bumped out. He has potential and this year he looks phenomenal. I'm rooting for him also, especially since Scott got injured this year, poor guy.