CrossFit Quarterfinals Workout 3 – Most Falsifed Leaderboard Ever? [The Unintentional Cheaters]

  • Each rep starts with the athlete’s feet clearly behind the start line
  • At each turnaround, both feet and one hand must touch the ground over the line before the athlete may return.
  • Stepping on or touching the line will not count.
  • On the final shuttle run, the athlete must simply pass the line to begin their rope climbs.
  • One repetition of the shuttle run = down the length of the competition floor and back.
I did read it. My point is that it's not confusing. It's not even a tiny bit confusing. There is no excuse for fucking it up other than laziness. This isn't a Crossfit problem. Nothing needs to be changed.
@thespeedboy Please read full post, it is CrossFit's problem because their leaderboard is falsified. Athletes paid $50 directly to CrossFit for being evaluated fairly for their fitness level. Data shows that something's up.
@outlook2018 I cannot believe this seems to be that big of a deal. The instructions are very clear if you read them. This is only an HQ problem in that they have to cleanup stupid athletes not being able to read or purposefully cheating the workout.
@outlook2018 Also don’t think a lot of gyms have long enough ropes for the rope climbs. My old gym has ropes that are only slightly higher than the wall ball target so I used to be able to get up in one big pull. So guess what? They all got amazing scores on workout 3 🤔🤨🙄
@outlook2018 My friend was ranked in the 200s to 400s for the other 4 workouts, but is ranked almost 1300 for workout 3. And wall balls, rope climbs, and running are not weaknesses for him. It doesn't make any sense other than a LOT of people counted the shuttle runs wrong.