Cut Complete - Need advice on programming for "Phase 2"

@walknlight I’m also petite and would like to cut but the diet portion is rough. Was there a program you used? 5’2, currently 125 and would like to get down to 115.
@olsi It has its ups and downs. I’d love to be leaner (currently around 27% body fat caries mostly in my an area, love handles, and upper back), but have built muscle and changed my body! I do a combo of traditional lifting, mobility, and skill building (pistol squats, handstands, etc). How about you?
@olsi Yeah, being petite stinks in this regard because our TDEE is not very high to begin with so cutting is really cutting.

I did not follow any specific program. I ate at about a 600-700 calorie deficit off my TDEE. I ate 1 gram of protein for every body pound, 50g of total carbs and the rest was fat. I also incorporated intermittent fasting, which really helped with the reduced calories.

I try to stay away from processed foods and eat whole foods. My diet consisted of a lot of green vegetables, grilled chicken, egg whites, raw nuts / nut butter, olive oil. Nothing fancy or exciting :)
@walknlight If it makes you feel better, I'm 5'1 (118lbs sw -> 110 cw with a low of 107) and was cutting at 1200-1300. I think it differs for everyone! Right now my maintenance is about 1700 calories. I'm was still losing at 1600/day. I work out 4x/week currently.

Your progress is awesome! You look really strong already. I think to just firm up everything don't go for max sets to atrophy, I try to do 3 sets with high reps (3x12-20) for any lifts.
@olsi A slower cut is definitely a good option and a lesser deficit. I have done both slow and aggressive cuts and I find, for myself, that I have more of the personality to do a more aggressive cut for a shorter amount of time. That is just how I am wired :) But it sounds like you probably would be more successful with a slower cut, which is totally cool too.
@walknlight Nice! I'm same height (5'2'' / 159cm) and around almost same weight (119lbs) so I wanted to know what someone with similar stats considers an aggressive cut haha. That defo sounds heavy! I eat between 1200-1400 as a normal cut for a slow body recomp.
@dawn16 Yeah, it was aggressive and I could have gone slower and eaten 12001300-ish, but I'm not that patient ;) Some days I ate more, some days I ate less. It evened out in the end. Plus IF made it a little easier to be on the cut.

My viewpoint was that I wanted to be cutting for the least amount of time possible. That is just me. I don't like cuts (does anyone???) so I didn't want to prolong it and do it for any longer than I absolutely had to.