Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

@idk332 So many black pilled babies in the comments. They don’t realise they are pushing young impressionable boys onto steroids as every decent physique that comes along is “obviously juicing”, so what are they to do after continuous reinforcement?

OP you are looking fantastic, keep up the hard work and dedication
@aileen789 Thank you, pretty surprised about the vitriol here myself. Doesn’t make me want to continue posting again for another three years like this last time. Ha ha.
@msgtcjl Long story. In 2014 I competed at an NPC Natural event just to get beat in the overall by a guy on DNP. I decided to compete at a truly drug tested show thereafter in the NANBF, where I also unfortunately got beat by a guy who passed the poly but popped on a UA. It really took some soul searching to decide if I wanted to compete as a natural bodybuilder anymore as it seemed everyone was on drugs. Thereafter, the NANBF Promoters switched to the WNBF to ensure that their athletes would never have to deal with drug testing that wasn’t the highest level ever again. I competed with them again and got my pro card in 2016. I decided to become a promoter for the INBF in 2019. And now a promoter for the WNBF this year.

The OCB Events I competed in either didn’t poly at all or their poly was 5min long and didn’t feel legit to me. The IPE I have never had a show of proximity to attend.
@idk332 Training for 18 years, but because your physique is good everyone jumps to gear accusations. SMH

I've just decided to start bodybuilding (been weightlifting for 2 years for health & athleticism) and it is so discouraging to see how low people think the natty ceiling is.

Call me gullible I don't care. I'd rather believe in myself and my potential to have a great natural physique than subscribe to the idea that everyone who's big and lean MUST be on juice so that I can have an excuse not to improve myself
@5061756c Thanks for the response. Looking back at when I started and only having access to Natural Bodybuilding Magazine to understand what was possible, there were physiques like Shevon Cunningham, Jim Cordova, and Phillip Ricardo Jr that made me skeptical as well. I also wanted to believe and the only answer I could truly have was to just grind and see.

I remember making posts with my physique in the forums back then and it’s funny how much support I got then and how much d disdain I get now. Kinda the opposite of what you would expect lol.
@idk332 Call me crazy, but I legit think this is naturally accomplishable. One day I honestly think I could come close to a similar physique.

Currently 224#, 25%bf and 5'9" and making real strength gains.
@idk332 You are where I want to to be. I'm currently 62 years old, 5'-10". 210# and about 18% body fat. Which is pretty good for my age, but I want to do better. Maybe be like 190# and 10-12% body fat.

How tall are you and what has your eating been like? Edit: Read down and see you are 5'-11".

Oh... And Semper Fi! Ourah!
@kimmyk401 Semper Fi, Marine.

Well done at your young age, I actually want to be like YOU! Any of my over 60 bodybuilding clients I have the utmost respect for, longevity is the name of the game!

At your age I recommend really watching your macro balance and what works for you for retaining/gaining lean tissue while losing abdominal fat. Most of my older clients respond well to a higher step count per day and heavy leg training that is safe for them.

Good luck!