Cut Complete - Need advice on programming for "Phase 2"

@dawn16 Thanks. I have always been interested in P90x, but I am not a "work out at home" person. I wonder if there is a similar program that I could do in the gym?
@walknlight I don’t think the program matters, if you want to recomp and build muscle all over any balanced program is fine. You seem pretty lean already though at around 20%. But if you find this sustainable I suppose recomp to ~18% is feasible. It would be a slow process.
@darcylbridge And I am fine with slow. I just want to tighten everything up a little so I feel a little more comfortable (confident?) in a bathing suit / undies. I still feel pretty flabby but am happy with my weight and clothing size, if that makes any sense at all...
@sunflowers24 Lol. All the ladies at my gym tore my friend's husband a NEW ONE over this. I missed it but he apparently made some comment about needing to be leaner and complaining that he was only at 12%. He is totally shredded and does not need to lose an ounce. He got all pissy because they literally laughed at him for saying this. It's now an ongoing joke everytime he starts to talk about body fat or losing weight we all call him "Mr. 12%" - he will never live it down!
@cam82 Nutrition is good (I think). As I mentioned, I am currently reverse dieting because my cut has been very aggressive.

Meal 1: Egg whites + 1 slice turkey bacon + 1/4c. quick cook oatmeal w/ a little protein powder for flavor

Meal 2: Very large salad w/ tons of veggies, 5 oz. grilled chicken, 2T. homemade dressing with apple cider vinegar, olive oil & spices, apple

Meal 3: Tuna pouch + 1 oz. raw almonds

Optional Meal: Protein shake

Meal 4: 5-6 oz. lean cut steak (no more than 5g fat per 4 oz) or turkey burger or grilled chicken, green veggies prepared with 1/2T, olive oil

I recently added the oatmeal & apple to increase carbs because I was so low for quite some time. My next increase will be to add a sweet potato or rice.