Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

@idk332 Thanks for the reply. I'm currently working out with a pretty high frequency full body 5x per week program. For the legs over the course of a week I will do:

Mo. - 3x heavy squats

Tu. - 3x Bulgarian Split Squats & 3x Kettlebell swings

We. - Off

Th. - 3x heavy deadlifts

Fr. - 3x heavy squats

Sa. - 3x Bulgarian split squats & 3x Stiff leg deadlifts

Su. - Off

So that's 21 sets of legs per week not counting the 3x of heavy push presses I do each week, which does hit the legs a little, or the 5 days of 3x calf raises.

So I think I have the legs trained pretty thoroughly. I work out a home and I don't have any leg machines for other types of leg work, so this is the leg portion of my workouts.
@kimmyk401 Maybe throw some hip thrusts in as an additional compound movement or even replacement on a squat day? Extension at the hip seems to suffer as we age and move into a more posterior pelvic position.
@idk332 Thanks for the reply.

Yeah... I had the hip thrusts as part of my last 8 week workout cycle and I just hated doing them. It's just an odd exercise for me. Not particularly difficult. So this 8 week cycle I substituted the 2 handed kettlebell swings. Maybe it's me or the way I am doing them, but I feel it works the same muscles as the hip thrusts and more, like the core, shoulders, arms and posterior chain. Plus I just really love doing them. It's a fun exercise. :-D

I'm up to 75# for multiple sets of them and I think I can go up significantly for the nest 8 week cycle.
@idk332 Wow that’s about the same weight I need to lose in the same amount of time. Any specifics to what you did with calories from start to cut and anything else like cardio or any other guidance to what worked
@rudolphcarlson Absolutely. Train back and leg days like an animal, hold on to your strength, drink plenty of water, hit 10k steps a day, and get adequate rest. Don’t drink alcohol and track your food/scale weight.
@thunderbolt1990 Must not be too familiar. I run the only INBF Event in Oregon and I am also now the promoter of the INBF/WNBF WA State Puget Sound Pro/AM. I got my pro card in 2016 at the NW Royal and competed as a pro in 2021 against Eddie Saldana. I have competed in the OCB and NPC and NPC Natural events many times as well.
@idk332 That’s crazy! I’m 220lbs at 6ft fairly good genetics around 15-18% body fat and I have to go to 1800 cals to lose weight with any speed (2lbs a week). If I didn’t know any better I would have said roids.
@noodlesnoodlesnoodles Everyone is different. However, I have yet to meet an athlete who has to go below 2k from their off season high when accounting for step count, training volume, rest, plenty of water, and progressive overload. My off season macros were 5k / day, so 3200 is a strong initial deficit.