DEXA Results: 24 y/o, 5’5”, 142 lbs, 31% BF


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DEXA results + pics

Got my first DEXA scan this morning and wanted to share the results! See the link above for the report and some current photos. I’m happy I finally scheduled this test - my results have definitely motivated me to keep working hard in the gym and clean up my diet a bit.


I’ve been exercising consistently (6 days/week) for ~3 years. In that time, I’ve tried out multiple routines, all with a focus on lifting. I’ve gone through periods of focusing on the major lifts, then shifted to more circuit-based routines, then back to heavy lifting....and now I’d say I am somewhere in the middle. I don’t follow a strict program and instead prioritize the exercises that I enjoy, which helps me look forward to my workouts! Currently, a typical week of workouts for me looks like this:

Sunday - Insanity class (full body HIIT).

Monday - Upper body/abs circuits.

Tuesday - Glute focused leg day.

Wednesday - 30 min stairmaster, plus abs.

Thursday - Glute focused leg day.

Friday - 30 min stairmaster, plus whatever muscle group I felt was lacking earlier in the week.

Saturday - rest.


I’m a lifelong vegetarian, so I began tracking my protein intake when I got more serious about lifting and building muscle. I loosely track macros on MyFitnessPal during the week, and pretty much enjoy myself on weekends. I am still working towards finding the ideal balance between my social life and fitness goals 🙂 When I do track in MFP, I aim for 120 g protein and don’t worry too much about the carbs/fats distribution. On the weekends, I try to be mindful about my protein intake and not go TOO crazy when going out to eat/drink. This is the main area where I know I could be more strict!

During the work week, a full day of eating looks like:

Breakfast - 2% Fage yogurt or plain Skyr with fresh fruit (20-22 grams protein).

Lunch - (meal prepped each Sunday, so I try to get creative and rarely repeat meals!). Some of my favorite work lunches are curries with tofu/tempeh/chickpeas and lots of veggies, cold lentil/feta salad, pasta salad, cauliflower rice stir fry, burrito bowls with soy chorizo/“beef” crumbles (25-35 grams protein).

Snack - protein bar/string cheese/hard boiled eggs (10-20 grams protein).

Dinner - similar types of meals as I make for lunch, usually a larger portion with even more veggies (30-40 grams protein).

Dessert - sometimes a Siggi’s yogurt, or ice cream, or fruit and dark chocolate.


My plan is to recomp over the next 6 months and schedule a follow-up DEXA then. The results of this scan were a slight let down because I do feel pretty fit and healthy overall! My goal is to bring up my lean mass and reduce overall body fat so I can get the percentage down to the 25-28% range.

So moving forward, I’m going to make small changes to my diet (adding more veggies, reducing sugar and alcohol) and will likely bring back more heavy lifting into my routine to increase my lean muscle mass.
@7an13l You look great! This is fun to see because we have very similar shapes and pretty close stats (I'm 5'4" 130lbs). You are #goals after working out for 3 years since I only started lifting a few months ago.

Ps don't get too hung up on the bodyfat %. I believe dexas have a margin of error of about 2%. I would certainly guess you fall closer to 29 or lower.

Thanks four for sharing!
@dxblorna Meh. I’m 152, 63kg, come out at 30% body fat. And I look a lot like OP. So do other women on this sub. Everyone’s fat/muscle distribution is unique. It’s entirely possible OP is 31%.

But getting focused on the actual number is meaningless - being a few percentage points either side of 30% won’t reflect how fit and strong OP is.
@7an13l Did you just look for a local place that does these scans? Im interested in doing one! Did it cost a lot? Looks like you put a lot of time and thought into your routine. Keep it up! Sometimes I add vanilla pea protein powder to my Fage yogurt if I feel like I don't get enough protein in.
@mrselliott This company (Body Spec) has a mobile van that travels to different locations within my area. A single scan costs $45. I was also looking into Dexa Fit which has brick-and-mortar locations, but their prices were almost double Body Spec’s!

I’ve seen so many recommendations for Greek yogurt + protein powder, I should give it a try :) thanks!
@7an13l People tend to focus on fitness, but truly fitness is the easy part. Diet is the challenge and (not coincidentally) diet/nutrition is where we see the best results.

You seem on top of things - good luck!
@7an13l Woah you look great! I'd love to have a body like that. Keep up the great work, it sounds like you have a good grasp on how to achieve your goals!